Zora's Domain Part I

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King Dorephan sat atop his might throne watching the Hylian entourage file into the room, presenting themselves before him and the Council of Elders. He was fascinated as he observed each of the knights take their place in a budding formation as they attended their Princess. Each one stood stiffly in line, a helmet held against his or her left hip and while the right hand rested on the hilt of a sword. How many hours must have been spent breaking formation only to immediately find their place once again?

It sounded rather dull, though it was effective if each knights ability to find their respective place and stand at attention was anything to go by.

His attention was drawn away from the group as he noticed a familiar mop of bright blonde hair entering the room. The Hylian moved swiftly, just as his brothers in arms did; however, rather than assuming the stance they had, he placed his right hand over his heart and bowed his head.

Dorephan stiffened as he continued his silent observation of the Hylian. Apparently, his fellow knights had no idea how to respond when a single member chose to act even slightly out of character. The few around him were clearly trying not to show that they were paying attention, but their sudden inability to find a place to set their hands was rather telling. Some were so shaken that their hands flitted back and forth between their chests and the hilts of their weapons.

Hylia in heaven above, it was growing increasingly difficult to not laugh.

Something wrong, your majesty? Muzu, as attentive as ever, had noticed the slight change in the Kings demeanor.

Do you see Link? Thankfully, none of his inner mirth had leaked out in his tone.

I thought I saw him. Dorephan noted the slight note of contempt in his advisors voice, but chose not to comment on it. Muzu narrowed his eyes, searching through the ranks to find the Hylian in question. At least the boy hasnt forgotten his manners, though his ilk seems to have

Again, Dorephan felt his chest spasm slightly as Muzu trailed off. He had noticed the same thing the King had, and was apparently unimpressed.

Knowing that he was bound to break in some way, the King settled for a wide, welcoming smile as the Princess herself finally entered the room. The young lady made her way through the opening the Hylian knights had left in the center of their ranks. Two royal guards attended her on either side, looking quite grim as the Princess finally presented herself to the Zora King.

King Dorephan, thank you for allowing us safe passage to the city and for your hospitality.

The pleasure is all mine, Princess Zelda. It is not often that we are able to act as hosts for our allies. The kings eyes flicked back to the Hylian knight. It is also not every day that we are able to welcome back one of our own.

Though Links stance remained unchanged, his ears twitched ever so slightly at the statement.

One of- The girl stopped as Dorephan raised a hand to silence her.

I know why it is that you have come and I intend to discuss the matter of the Divine Beast with you. But, there is a matter personal to my people that I must address first. Link, he called, attend.

The blonde youth gave no indication of surprise as he immediately broke rank and approached the throne quickly. He came abreast Zeldas personal guards and resumed his stance from before.

Welcome home, old friend.

The youth looked up, a small smile breaking his stoice facade. It was quick to fade as Dorephan continued.

Ordinarily, I would have liked to celebrate your return with a bit more fanfare, but Im afraid circumstances will not allow for it.

The Hylian Princess, as well as her guards and knights alike, all stood flabbergasted as the King addressed Link. It was almost amusing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2021 ⏰

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