CHAPTER 2: hatred

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When Tharn is resting in his condo, his mind is always on Type's beautiful smile from earlier. He can't control himself and cries, missing Type so much. He really wants to hold him. He has been in anxiety since his grandmother's death because everyone is blaming him for it. Even Lisa can't forgive her own son. If Tharn hadn't wooed the son of her best friend, they wouldn't be in this situation today, digging in the soil just to find some food to eat. But there's nothing because every company won't accept them because of what Gulf told them. When Tharn's parents learn that he is going back to Thailand, they immediately process their passports to return to England. Tharn doesn't understand why everyone is like this to him. During his time in England, his grandmother always treated him like a slave; he couldn't join his cousin Nine and his grandmother to eat every day, he could only eat after they had finished. Tharn wants to call his parents to beg them to take him back, but he can't. He wants to call Type, but he can't because he doesn't have a phone. He's been begging his cousin Nine to call Type just once, but Nine refuses. After class, Tharn can't hang out with his friend because Nine's driver has already arrived to fetch Nine. Tharn thought he would be picked up too, but that's not the truth. Tharn always walks by himself because his grandma won't let him ride in their car. Tharn has always thought about committing suicide, but he always thinks of Type—Type's smile, Type's laugh, Type's voice when he's annoyed with Tharn for teasing him about being older. He can't commit suicide because of Type. When Tharn sneaks outside the room because he's been hungry since morning, he hears his grandmother talking to someone.


Grandma: "Because of Lisa's foolishness, she married a nobody who only knows how to waste their money. I told her to marry the son of one of the biggest company owners here, but she refused and married that brat. So now, I will take her son. I've already set up a marriage arrangement for him with the daughter of my friend in China."

Person: "Can you at least treat him like a human? Even though he's the son of that person, can't you at least accept their offspring?"

Grandma: "I will if Lisa can feel what I felt when she chose that man over me."

Tharn cries messily when he hears this. For the past three years, he's always been treated like a slave by his grandma. Earth is always the one who saves Tharn's condition. Earth is Tharn's friend in England and his only classmate who treats him like a human. After his grandma's death, Tharn becomes a nobody. But Tharn also wonders why all his grandma's property is under his name and not Nine's. He asks the lawyer, but the lawyer doesn't answer him. He only asks for Tharn's signature, and then he leaves. Nine is always angry with Tharn because of this.

When Tharn settles everything in England, he returns to Bangkok because of Type. He wants Type so badly. But he's afraid—what if Type won't accept him?

**Tharn's POV:**

I've been here at Chula every morning because Type is always here. When I ask someone if Type has already passed by, they say not yet. I feel excited to see his beautiful face again. I told Techno that I'm at the cafe, and he immediately comes to where I am.

Techno: "You know, you've changed a lot. Your body, your face. Do you eat your meals every day?"

Tharn: "Of course, I do. I really miss him." (crying)

Techno: "Type has become a mess since you left without saying anything to him. I asked him if he misses you so much. He only nodded and cried, cried, cried. I told him that Tharn will be back and get you again."

Tharn: "If you knew the hell I've experienced at my grandma's hands, I swear you'd want to kill her. The only person who can make me strong is Type. I always remember him when I try to kill myself."

Techno: "I know Type will understand you when you tell him everything. Just wait for the right time. Your mother also went back to England. Are they still not forgiven you?"

Tharn: "They're always like that; they only love money rather than their own son. I wonder if they are my real parents or not."

Techno: "Let's forget about that. I know it hurts you more when you talk about your family."

Tharn: "Help me to get back my precious."

Techno: "Okay... What about sending him some flowers until he wants to meet you?"

Tharn: "Why do I feel like it's cheesy?"

Techno: "If you won't, then talk to him!"

Tharn: "Okay, okay... I will do as you say!"

We bid goodbye to each other. I waited to see Type until I saw him with his dad, Sir Mew.

Type's POV:

I felt weird because it seemed like someone was spying on me.
Mew: "Hey, baby, are you okay?"

Type: "Yes, Dad, I'm okay. I'm going now, bye Dad!"

I bid goodbye to my dad and headed to my faculty, but someone approached me from behind...
"This sunflower is for you, Type," he said.
"From whom? Can you tell me who? A girl, a guy, or what?"
"I don't know his name, but he knows you," he said.

Who are you? I really want to know his name, but the person won't tell it anyway.

𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora