Chapter 2

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Ladybug:hey, kids. You might want to be careful with this man. He's probably a supervillain. ???:I'm not a supervillain! I'm Santa Claus! Ladybug:I'm sorry, sir but you're gonna have to hand over the Moth Miraculous. Ladybug holds her hand out. Santa:Moth Miraculous? I don't have a Moth Miraculous! Ladybug:stop lying. I suspect that you might have it. Santa:I don't have it! Whatever it looks like! Santa quickly gets in his sleigh and goes away. Ladybug goes after him. She pulls him out of the sleigh with her yo-yo and he lands on his head in the snow. Santa:hey!! Are you out of your mind?! This hurts really bad!! ???:hey. What's going on here? Ladybug and Santa turn to see Chat Noir. He jumps down to them. Ladybug:I think this man might have the Moth Miraculous. Chat Noir:wait! Really? Ladybug:I don't know but I suspect that he has it. Chat Noir:we have to be really sure. He wouldn't just tell us if we ask him. A Akuma is flying towards Santa. Chat Noir:wait! Is that a Akuma? Ladybug turns around. Ladybug:did he Akumatize himself? Chat Noir:no. He never took the Moth Miraculous from anywhere. I think someone else has it. The Akumatized Santa attacks the heroes. While they are fighting him he throws them into a building through a window. ???:Ladybug? Ladybug smiles when she sees who spoke. Ladybug:hi, Mari.

Miraculous Ladybug:Evil Has a New Name:ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now