Chapter 2 - New Visitors

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Phil wasn't very surprised when he heard the door creak open and excited voices echo through the house, it wasn't too uncommon to see someone enter the house for a night or two, the forest that surrounded their house could be quite confusing at times, so it was only natural that people would sometimes find their way to the house in the woods. No, the surprising thing about the new visitor's voices was that they didn't belong to some random person who got lost, they belonged to a pair of rambunctious teenagers, practically children. Unsupervised children without an adult to keep an eye on them in sight.

"What are children doing here?" He couldn't help but wonder aloud as he watched the two of them run up the stairs, the old floorboards creaking as they went. Phil hadn't heard that noise in a long time, but it certainly wasn't an unwelcome sound. It sparked memories from long ago when he would call up the stairs that breakfast was ready and would promptly hear the creaking floorboards as his sons raced down the stairs.

"They're from the city." Phil looked up as he heard the voice of Wilbur, one of his sons. He was floating upside down, a wide grin on his face as he stared after those two teenagers. If it wasn't for the fact that he was a ghost, because apparently ghosts can't really remove their clothes, his beanie would've fallen off of his his head a long time ago.

"Are they gone yet?" A slightly annoyed, but still monotone voice spoke up as Phil's other son, Techno, as he liked to be called, floated through a wall. His long pink hair covered one of his tired eyes, despite that however, it was obvious he was glaring at the teens.

"I think they're going to be staying a while." Phil gestured towards the two teenage boys "Look at all the stuff they brought with them, that's a lot more than one or two nights worth of stuff."

Techno groaned in annoyance "They better not touch any of my things." He crossed his arms "Why are they even here in the first place?"

Phil shrugged. "I have no idea, those two just got here, I don't even know their names yet."

"The blonde one's Tommy and the other one's Tubbo." Wilbur piped up, now sitting upright, or, well, floating upright. It's kinda hard to sit on things when you just phase through them.

"How'd you know that?" Phil and Techno almost spoke it unison as they two of them turned to face Wilbur.

"I followed them while Techno was complaining." He turned to face his brother "luckily for you though, Techno, they thought your room sucked so neither of 'em are staying in there."

Techno thought for several long moments "I don't know whether to be relieved or offended." He spoke in his usual monotone voice, which never failed to make everything he said just a little more funny.

Phil couldn't help but chuckle at that "aw, it'll be alright mate, I'm sure they don't hate your room that much."

"Really? It's pretty gross in there, a total pigsty, not gonna lie." Wilbur was about to make another snarky comment about the state of Techno's room, but quickly stopped himself. He wasn't sure if you could die after becoming a ghost, but he certainly wasn't about to find out by pissing off Techno.

Techno sighed "I'm going to my room, don't disturb me" he grumbled as he phased right back through the wall he emerged from.

"Alright Techno, we won't!" Phil called after him. He thought for a moment before eventually, chuckling softly and shaking his head. It had been a while since the three of them had spoken in such a lighthearted, joking manner.

"Hey dadza?" Wilbur began tugging on Phil's arm, affectionately using the nickname he had given him a long time ago.

"Yes son?" He turned to face Wilbur, a smile still on his face.

"Do you wanna go mess with those two teenagers? Maybe spook em a bit?" His normal smile morphed into mischievous grin.

"Will" Phil's voice was stern, but the slightly amused grin on his face gave away how hilarious he thought that would be, but still, he had to be the responsible one, because if he wasn't responsible, then who would be?

"Come on, can we at least follow them to see what they're up to?" Wilbur crossed his arms, pouting.

Phil sighed "Alright, alright, remember though, we're only going to be watching them from afar"

"Hell yeah!" He cheered and began floating off towards where he had last seen Tommy and Tubbo "thanks dad!"

Phil sighed as he watched Wilbur float away "why do I have a feeling he's gonna do everything in his power to mess with those two anyway?" Shaking his head, he began following Wilbur.

It had been a while since he had last been around this part of the house, the plain walls and wooden floors seemed so unfamiliar now, even the door to his room seemed almost alien, kinda like a fading dream. It was surprising how little Phil had left the living room, all he did was float around and 'sleep' or at least, pretend to. No one really talks about how boring being dead is, especially considering you can't really interact with things anymore and most things that use electricity mess up and glitch out. At least Wilbur could still play the guitar and Techno could still practice fencing, Phil on the other hand, didn't have any form of entertainment.

Phil could hear the sound of loud voices as he approached his room, it was safe to assume that they belonged to those two teenagers. He was about to open the door when he remembered that he was in fact, dead, and didn't need to.

"This should be good enough" The blonde-haired child crossed his arms, grinning proudly down at a pile of things.

"Are you sure we shouldn't try sorting them Tommy?" The other teenager asked quietly.

"Yeah! It's fine like this, we gotta go unpack all of your stuff too." Tommy began marching out of the room, followed closely behind by who he could only assume was Tubbo.

Phil glanced around the room, quickly noticing that Wilbur was nowhere in sight. He was probably waiting for them to come to his room. Shaking his head, Phil turned back to the pile of stuff on the floor. There's no way he was letting this mess exist in his room.

He stared at the pile for a while before gently trying to pull a shirt out of the pile, to his surprise, he was actually able to do it. Maybe, just maybe, this wouldn't be so hard to do after all. He continued to grab random objects, and very shakily sort them into messy piles which he quickly tried to neaten.

After a while, Phil had done it. He had finished sorting Tommy's mess out into several neat piles of things. He let out a sigh of relief, which didn't last long as he heard the loud creak of a door opening behind him.

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