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I begin my walk downstairs towards my mother's chair that I don't think I have ever really seen her not in. "Where are you going Eddie?" I think for a moment I know that I can't say that I'm going to hang out with Richie before school she hates him. Think Eddie think, "I'm going to the park with Stan before school so we can walk together." I say without thinking you know for coming up with an excuse on the spot that was pretty good. Technically I didn't lie I mean I am going to the park just not with Stan. "You know how I feel about you walking to school Eddie." Fuck. "I know but Stan is going to be there and I promise I won't run and I'll have my inhaler with me." I quickly shoot back. I don't have much time to go to the park so I have to talk fast. "Ok Eddie just text me when you get to the park and when you make it to school." "I will thank you mommy." I turn to make my way out  of the door but I'm stopped by her stern voice. "Are you forgetting something?" Ugh I was hoping I could walk out without that. I quickly walk over to her chair and plant a small kiss on her check. I begin to walk to the door once more. "I love you mommy bye." Finally I made it out the door. The park is relatively close so it should only take me 5 minutes to walk there.
I finally arrive and I see Richie. "He's never early is something wrong?" I wonder. "Hey!" I yell as soon as he's in my sight. "Hya Eds!" "How many times do I have to tell you I hate it when you call me eds?!" I don't hate it. "Oh come on lighten up eds." "This just in Eddie spaghetti hates being called eds who would've thought!" "Beep beep Richie." Oh how I hate his stupid stupid nicknames but I also love them. "Why are you so early you're never early?" I question him. "Can't a man just be unpredictable eds?" I know that's not the reason but I decide to not push it instead I laugh. Why did I laugh at that it's not even funny? "Look here look here eds spaghets just laughed at my joke wow I must be famous now!" "Oh shut up Richie." We continue to joke around and I continue to laugh at his stupid comments. We have somehow ended up on top of some monkey bars with our legs swinging beneath us. I then hear I small buzz and take out my phone. I see a text from Beverly.
*January embers
Where are you??
Wdym bev?
ITS 9:30 did you forget we have school??
"Shit" I say out loud. "What is it eds?" "For the last time my name is not eds so stop calling me that and look at the time." I show him my phone he reads the time. 9:32am. "Fuck" he says and then jumps down off of the bars. I stay up on them I'm too scared to get down. "What are you doing we have to go school started an hour ago?" "I can't get down!" I yell. God this is so embarrassing. He grabs my legs in an attempt to get me down. "What the fuck are you doing?!!" I ask him. "What does it look like I'm trying to get you down." "Stop you know what I'll jump down myself." I say. "Are you sure?" Richie asks. "Yes now move out of the way." He quickly moves and I try to gather up the courage to jump down. I breathe in and begin to tell myself that if I fought a demon clown I can jump down 6 feet. I close my eyes hold my breath and jump. Almost as soon as I jump I feel the wooden wood-chips against my shoes. "There that was easy now wasn't it eds?" "Yes and Don't call me eds Jesus." We grab our backpacks and begin to run to school. Laughing as we almost trip.
I don't know if I'm gonna continue to write this since only one person is reading these which is my bsf. If you see this renia ily. But yea I think I still will write them just don't know if anyone is going to read them but we'll see. Also if you did read this thank you so so much I really do appreciate it. Ily all thank you.
-rory 🦕

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