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It was gloomy day out side the house,the rain was pouring,thunder could be heard and strong winds ,gulf was standing near the window with a cup of hot tea in his hands and thought "why can't I go out side and play in the rain "

"Because its not safe for you honey ,why can't you just let it go" said new

"Mewwwwwww!"gulf whined "I'm not a baby for you to do this, I can take care of myself"

"But your my baby" said new


"*Aham* if your done with cheesy moments can we get back to the game?"said mild teasingly

Gulf blushed and mew chuckled.They went back to their friends to sit beside them,they were playing snakes and ladders only gulf ,mild,turbo and saint where playing while mew,boat,kaownah and zee were talking about bussiness .

After a while the boys finished their business and came to sit beside there lovers,to hug them from the side to watch play there game.

Time skip.........................

There were eating dinner togther in the dinning room, that's right they live together in a big mansion because their babies wanted it ,it had a big beautiful garden out side and a front lawn with green grass and a lot of flowers, the inside of the house has a playroom or game room for when you want to act like a kid and play games without anyone bothering you,a dinning,a sitting room, a TV room and individual offices for each couple for taking work at home and bedrooms

When they finished each couple said good night and went to their respectable rooms to sleep

In mewgulfs room.     


Gulf entered the bed room first and went to take a shower,after he got out with only a towel around his waist ,the moment he went to the walk in closet to get dressed in order to go to sleep.
He went in and saw mew in his boxers as if his waiting for gulf

"Mew??,what are you doing in hear in your boxers ?"said gulf confused. Mew went behind him and gave him a back hug and started to kiss his neck to his shoulder .

"Baby i missed you, dont you miss me?" Mew said in a suddective voice,gulf blushed and turned around to face mew

"Nooooo! I know what your thimking about and its not gonna happen tonight" gulf said and got wore his pjs and went to the bedroom,leaving mew in the closet

Mew signed and got a towel went to bathroom to shower.Done he went to the closet to ware his pjs and went to the bedroom to sleep besides gulf who already asleep or pretending to be asleep.

"Baby are you still mad at me🥺" mew said in a baby tone

"Yes😤" gulf said with a huff

"Please baby forgive me,ill never do it again please🥺" mew said almost crying because that one mistake his sexually frustrated and angry at himself for what he did to his baby " please baby say something,I'm so sorry naa 😢"mew said still gulf did not say anything he is so pissed at mew that he chose work over gulf and its not sitting well with gulf and wants to make mew suffer for it.

"Mew go to sleep ,I'm tired 😔" said gulf

"OK😢 good night baby " said mew and went to sleep

    In saintzees room

After entering the room zee carried saint bridle style and when to the bath room with him.
They showered together and dressed and now there on the bed cuddling together.
Saint had his hand and head on zees chest and see had one of his hands to saints hair playing with it.

"Goodnight baby😘" said zee and kissed said on the forehead.

"Goodnight love😘" said saint and kissed zee on the cheek.

     In kaoturbos room

When they entered kao immediately when and gave turbo a back hug and kissed him on the cheek,to his neck to his shoulders . turbo let out a small soft moan which made kao hard and picked up turbo bridel style and laid his on the bed to hover over him.

Kao attacked turbos lips and kissed him roughly and hungryly ,turbo moaned in to the kiss and kissed kao back with the same passion, both getting Hornier by the minute.

Kao left those lips to stare at turbo with lust and love in his eyes "I love you so much babe" said kao with so much love in his eyes😍

"I love you too " said turbo with Sam love in his eyes.😍

Kao smiled and kissed turbo again but this time he kissed him every where ,things happened and know turbo passed out because of there activities.

"Goodnight babe, I love you so munch❤" said kao and went to sleep with his partner in his arms

     In boatmilds room

Once they got in mild flopped himself on the bed tired and boat watched with an amused smile on his face .

"Why are you smiling like that? 🤨" asked mild confusingly

"Nothing!" Boat answered with a chuckle

"What ever!🙄" said mild "let's sleep I'm tired "

"OK let shower first "said boat and carried mild to the bath room to shower .done the changed and went to the bed to cuddle with each other

"Boat did you notice something going on between mew and gulf??" Said mild "they looked distant "

"Now that you've mentioned it,I did see that as well,gulf looked like he was made at mew and mew looked like he was apologetic towards gulf " said boat "I'm gonna asked new what's going on tomorrow"

"Yeah you do that and I'll ask gulf too"said mild in a worried tone "I  hope its not too serious " boat nodded

"OK let's sleep we have a busy  day tomorrow" said boat mild nodded

"Good night❤"said mild

"Good night my sweet heart 💖" said boat lovingly and mild blushed to go to sleep

💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💋💋💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗ok first chapter is out hope you liked it

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