A Simple Drink

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Kustard (Red and sans' ship child 'cus I can't come up with a name)

Everyone else



Kustard's POV

I looked around the hall outside my room and listened for any noise...Nothing. Perfect. I carefully snuck downstairs, avoiding the creaky bits of the floorboard, and made my way into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and thet's when I saw it! HORROR IS EATING ALL OF THE FOOD AGAIN!


Custard. Glorious custard. I wiped away a stray tear from my eyesocket and reached out. THUMP! Oh no! I've knocked a custard bottle onto the floor! 

TIL that custard can come in bottles!

TIL that custard can come in bottles!

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I hope no one heard!

Red's POV

I heard a sound from downstairs and I thought I should probably go investigate it. "Sweetheart~" I said nudging my sleeping sansy awake 

"Whaaaaat?" he called back. 

"I heard something downstairs, let's go." 

"Fine." We got up and slumped down the stairs.

Kustard's POV

I picked the bottle back up. 'Maybe no one heard?'  I screwed the lid off and practically faceplanted it. 

Sans' POV

We went downstairs and realised that the kitchen light was on, so we walked in and Kustard was stuffing his face full with custard. He made eye contact with us, though, and there was an awkward silence..."I'm so proud" Red broke the silence and grabbed some mustard and started eating/drinking as well. I gave in to the temptation and charged for the ketchup. 

A few hours went by and the floor was littered with empty bottles and lids. A few sanses teleported in to be met with the sight (Since I'm the original, Other sanses would usually come to me for help) before stuffing themselves with their favourites. Needless to say, the papyruses became worried when they couldn't find their brothers, but when they decided to look in the kitchen, the Earth shook as a chorus of 'SAAAAAAAANS' s echoed through the multiverse. Then all the goat people came and, seeing all the commotion, started a screech of 'BAAAAAAAAAAAAA' s. Then everyone died.

~The End~

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2020 ⏰

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