Chapter five

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He stopped near a bench, where Ron, Harry, Lavender and Ginny were sitting.
"I don't know what you told her Weasley, but I warn you.." Draco said but got interrupted by Ron; "I said nothing but the truth, and what would you do? tell your father? i'm shaking."
Boom. A white hand with three silver rings hit his nose.
"What the he--" Ron tried to punch back but Draco caught his hand, he gave him another hit to the jaw.
"That's enough boys" said Professor Mcgonagall who had watched the event.
"You're safe for now Weasley, but i'm not done with you." Draco said and ran out of the hall, he needed to find Hermione.
Then it hit him, the prefect's bathroom. He rushed there as fast as he could and there she was, sitting on the floor backing up the wall.

"There you are" he said, breathing heavily, "Malfoy?" she asked, her eyes blurred with tears.
"Yes" he said, and kneeled down in front of her.
"What did this idiot tell you?" he demanded an answer.
"He just pointed up the fact that I'm just a muggle-born and why on earth the pureblood Draco Malfoy would be interested in me." saying these words made her cry even more.
"I am going to kill him" he said, "I am going to fuc--"
"Don't," she said, "I think it's too late.." he grinned. "What did you do?" she asked with a serious look on her face, "Nothing besides a punch or two" he laughed. She took his hands and a drop or two of Ron's blood. "You're psychotic" she said and giggled, "have you seen my aunt? or my dad? i'm probably psychotic." they laughed, his hands still in hers.
But that wasn't what drove me to punch him" he said, "So what did? beside the fact that you are willing to punch him any-time" she asked, "nothing." he lied, she could see that he's lying, he wasn't a very good liar, but she let it slide.

"We have one more thing to do, I want to drive him crazy. I want him to see what he's missing." Draco said with an evil smile which made Hermione giggle.
"Let's do it," she said, wiping her tears one more time. He offered his hand and she took it and got up, fixing her hair and the dress. "Wait," he said, he got closer and turned her necklace which was turned up-side down, "Perfect."

They walked back to the great hall- and just when they came in- a slow song started to play.
"Perfect" he muttered, "Malfoy you're scaring me, what do you have in mind?" she asked.
"You'll see", he searched Ron with his eyes, and finally found him. "Come with me" he said and took Hermione by her wrist. He placed them-selves next to Ron and Lavender.
The song was playing, Draco's hands on Hermione's waist, her hands on his shoulders, slowly moving with the song.
"This is your master-plan? dancing?" she asked mockingly. "Shut up Granger, I'm waiting for the perfect moment." he said, and just then Ron looked at them.
"That's it, you trust me?" he asked and looked her in the eyes, this storm again. "I do." she replied. He pulled her into a kiss grabbing her waist closer to him, he put one of his hands on her neck. the other one still in her waist, she put her hands on the back of his neck, getting into the kiss. It was the perfect kiss in the perfect moment.

For a minute it was like there was no one else around them, just a young pure-blood boy from Slytherin and a muggle-born young lady from Gryffindor, kissing like they were all alone.

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