When one door closes, another one might be opened.

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Sexual content ahead, watch out! 😁
If you think you can handle it: happy reading! 😁😁

Waking up with Eddy after all those months apart felt strange. Not wrong, but it sure wasn't right either.

Knowing him for so many years, she could tell, just by watching him sleep, that he was much more relaxed now than he was upon arrival yesterday.
Allthough she cared a lot about him, she would never be willing to spend the rest of her life with twoset-Eddy, even if he would have wanted it. He changed too much during those years where their channel started growing, wanting things from life not possible to unite with how she wanted to live hers. But she definitely wanted to be his close friend all years to come though, no question about that.

Having that night together didn't mind her at all, Eddy was a good, careful lover, (actually!, she laughed) and maybe that night together, would give her some kind of closure to what they once had had. Even if they had managed to stay close friends, their breakup was hard on them both, with all the hurtful words she always wished she could've taken back, and the slap he gave her, making her feel humiliated. She knew Eddy would never make her feel that way on purpose. Something just happened between them that day, both of them being under way too much pressure at that time. Mia had always wanted to go back in time and change that day and make that breakup clean. She knew Eddy felt the same. Maybe this could be the day? For forgiveness and closure?

She sat there, watching him some minutes, before he suddenly opened his eyes.
-I could feel you stearing at me, he smiled.
-Isn't that weird how people can do that? Even if we sleep?
-I wasn't sleeping!
-Yes, you were!
She tossed her pillow at him.

-Seriously though, you look better, she continued. -How're you feeling today?
-I guess I feel better. I had a good nights sleep. I feel rested and relaxed. More... cleaned up inside my brain. This is the first time in some weeks I woke up not shivering.
-Good! she said happily. -Eddy, I've been thinking, I love being your best friend now right, oh my God, I actually switched places with Brett! ,she interrupted herself, laughing, making Eddy smile too. -I'll help you sort things out and get together with him again, if that's what you want, but I just want to make things clear. You can't stay here. You know that, right?
Mia looked into Eddy's calm eyes, looking much different than yesterday. His whole face, his whole body did actually.
-I was not planning to, he answered softly. In fact I came ONLY to talk yesterday, it wasn't my intention at all to end up having sex and stay, I promise. I really hope you don't think I wanted to take advantage of you, I would never do that, seriously!
-I know.
-It's in my every hope I'll get Brett back. I just think...it's like... it was too much going on right now these weeks and it made me blow up from the inside.

-Are you still haunted by the way we ended it? She wanted to know.
-Maybe a little, yes. I wish we have ended things more clean, I wish I had never slapped you, I don't know what the hell came over me, what made me do such thing. I hate myself for it.
-Do you think about it a lot?
-Not like every day-a lot, but I think about it and I am terribly ashamed of it every time I see you or think about you. You deserve so much better, and I wish I could take it back.
-I said some things I regret as well.
-You should know, I never did anything with him when we were together, right? Of course I didnt! I didn't even know yet how I felt for him, you can say you opened my eyes on that one! I NEVER cheated on you, with him or anyone!
Mia knew from looking into his wide open, calm, warm eyes, that he was telling the truth.
-I know. I don't know why I said such thing. I guess I was kind of jealous or something, you 2 having something I couldn't be a part of. I knew I was losing you to him, to the fans, to twoset, and honestly, it broke my heart, because I wanted to be with you! BUT! I knew that was how you wanted to live your life. Im good now hey, she smiled.
Eddy melted from her honesty and gave her a big hug.

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