Chapter 1

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“OMG Ella! Jaymi just  asked me out!” Rachel squealed excited as she ran up to my locker.  I was  busy looking for her textbook for her 3rd period class that  I only nodded absentmindedly. “Ella!” Rachel sighs sounding rather exasperated. 

“Did you hear what I just said?” she asked me.

“Umm.. If I had to guess .. someone asked you out?” I said  glancing her way for a second before turning my attention back to finding my txt book, knowing very well that at least three guys ask my best friend out every week no one ever asked me out.

“Yes! Jaymi  did!” Rachel said in her usual excited tone. “He did?” I asked, not exactly surprised, as I rummaged through my locker again. 

Jaymi is Rachel’s crush of the month, and she had been doing anything and everything you could thing off to get his attention and for him too ask her out. This is pretty much my best friends pattern of relationships, Rachel will pick some random guy..well not too random because I admit almost every guy she does dates is hot. And she‘ll do whatever it takes to get his attention he’ll eventually ask her out and then after about two months, she becomes tired  of him, and she’ll dump him. Of course every time she swear’s this guy is different.

And she’s being doing the same  thing with Jaymi, of course I’m sceptical I know Rachel too well but even I have to admit, Jaymi Hensley is like is one of the hottest guys in school him and his friends JJ, George and..  Josh. The four of them started a band and called themselves UnionJ and all the girls in school went crazy for them , personally I didn’t understand the hype I mean yeah they were good and they could all sing ..girls just loved them because they were hot and popular the whole thing made me nauseous. The only reason I would go along to any of their gigs was too support George. 

"Yes! He's like the sweetest guy ever! And he's like the hottest kid in the school, too”.

Rachel went on as she glanced around the hallway, looking for him, "Ok, never mind. He's not the hottest, but he's 2nd hottest." She said as the official king of school , Josh Cuthburt, walked by. 

"You know Ella, you never told me how was that dinner you and your parents had with the Cuthburts‘ while they were in town ."

I stuck her head out of my locker for a second when I heard my name. I wasn't exactly paying attention since Rachel basically said the same thing about all of the other guys in her life. 

"What?" I asked "Dinner with the Cuthburt’s, you’ve been rather tight lipped about it  and that’s not very best friend like” she pouted abit “So spill”  

I groaned bit "Oh that. It was okay I guess  we went to this fancy restaurant, and I tried not to leave after 2 minutes food was nice," I said, grimacing as she thought of that dinner and the awkwardness of it, there parents reminiscing to when they were kids and the stuff we used to get up too, being reminded we’d been each other’s first kiss was extremely awkward well it has been for me, Josh had just laughed  . 

I’d never really understood get why my parents are best friends with the Cuthburts’s sure they were friends in High School but they just seemed like not the kinda people I expected my parents to have ever been associated with but it seemed they were. There nice enough whenever  was in there company,

 And Josh was always polite we used to play together as kids and I guess you could say for awhile they were friends but that all changed as soon as they got to High School he became Mr Popular now the only time he so much as looks her way or speak to her is when there forced to be in the same room because of there parents . He thinks he's all that just because he has cheekbone’s to die for and beautiful blue eyes  that they all wanna drown in and that he can sing and he’s in a band that makes every single girl he meets to fall madly in love with him please like he’s the only guy that can sing or has a band. It was like I didn’t exsist and I liked it that way although I had to admit sometimes when he’d smiles at me, I would get a strange tingly feeling I could never work out why. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2012 ⏰

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