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Soulmates were something Suna didn't fully understand. How could the universe come up with something so ideal yet so difficult to decipher? How could someone be so certain that their appointed soulmate was the one person in the entire population for them?

He scoffed at the thought, he wasn't interested in the idea, though he didn't hate it. Meeting someone and getting to know them was time-consuming after all, along with being a waste of time if it doesn't work out in the end. He knew through personal experience, his last relationship being just that. Though, with a soulmate, it may just be more bearable.

Usually, soulmate marks appear after the age of 15. They consist of the given name and surname kanji of said person, which most commonly appears on the chest, abdomen, arms, and legs. To avoid any confusion between individuals with similar names, soulmate marks glow once they come into physical contact with said person.

Lucky for Suna, his soulmate mark hadn't appeared yet. He was 22, and still no mark to be found. He shrugged it off, it wasn't like he cared. As much as he hated to admit it, he had looked into late soulmate mark articles online. It wasn't uncommon, though it didn't happen often.

Suna opened the door to his apartment, looking inside at the familiar scene. Being a professional volleyball player came with its perks, he supposed. He had just finished his morning run, having some time before a meeting with the volleyball team for practice.

He set his backpack down onto the floor, then took off his sneakers, setting them down next to his bag. After making his way into his spacious bedroom, he changed into more comfortable clothing, then prepared his gym bag right after so he wouldn't have to do it later. Because of his nature, he wanted to have as much time as possible for himself.

Suna took his free time to relax in the living room, laying on the couch to watch television. He tapped the remote buttons repeatedly, skimming through the channels while he looked for something that caught his eye.

His cell phone suddenly rang.

He dug through the pocket of his sweatpants, pulling the ringing device out. The bright light illuminated the dark room, causing his eyes to squint while he read the caller ID. It was volleyball management. He pressed the answer button, bringing the device up to his ear.

He cleared his throat. "Hello?"

"Hey, Suna! I'm calling to remind you about our meeting with the clothing brand we're going to be collaborating with this morning, hopefully, you haven't forgotten." The voice on the other line replied.

He'd forgotten.

"Of course I haven't, how much time 'till?"

There was a moment of silence on the other line before the voice spoke again. "You have about 20 minutes."

"Thanks." He replied blandly before hanging up.

He threw his head back, letting out a groan at the thought of not having any more free time after the meeting. Suna stared up at the ceiling for a few moments before finally deciding to get up, grabbing all of his belongings to make his way to headquarters.

After arriving at headquarters, Suna entered the sliding doors. The receptionist greeted him, letting him pass through without checking in, familiar with the volleyball team. He pressed the 'up' button on the elevator and waited for the doors to open.

A woman dressed in formal clothing who didn't appear too far from his age walked up and stood next to him. she gazed up at his tall figure.

"Going up?" She asked.

No reply.

She averted her gaze from him. Suna wasn't in the mood for talking at the moment.

The doors slid open, which allowed Suna and the woman to step in. They both reached for the third-floor button, to which Suna immediately retreated his hand. He hated how this interaction was nothing but troublesome.

She offered a smile at him, but otherwise ignored his existence in the quiet elevator ride.

The elevator doors slid open once again. Suna immediately darted out toward the meeting doors, he didn't want to stay next to her figure any longer.

He turned his head back slightly, enough to be able to see her following behind him, tapping away at her cell phone. Just my luck. was the only thought that ran through his mind.

He briefly knocked on the dark wooden door before he went inside, greeted by a few of his teammates and managers. He offered a nod in response, also greeting the others he wasn't familiar with, possibly being the other party involved in the meeting. He took a seat at the large table, then shoved his hands into his pockets.

Not soon after, the woman from the elevator entered the room. She raised a hand in greeting as she took a seat, briefly commenting about how happy she was to be here. Suna's brows furrowed at the sound of her voice, filling the air with ease like nothing he's felt before.

"Alright everyone, I suppose we should get started with this meeting," spoke up a member of management, "Firstly, I would like to thank everyone for attending. Everyone's input is crucial for this collaboration, including our special guest, Y/n L/n." He motioned a hand towards her direction.

Y/n's lips twitched up into a smile.

"For those who are not familiar with Y/n L/n, she will be the lead model for our clothing line collaboration."

Many murmured in agreement and congratulations, though Suna stayed silent. He felt like he'd heard her name before, though not being able to recall where.

"Let's begin with the presentation." He ordered as he dimmed the lights of the office, a slideshow appearing on the projector screen.

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