Sneak Peek

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Her eyes watched her carefully through the rear view mirror as she let her eyes flutter and look around as they drove over an overpass. The only sounds being the bumps of the bridge and the tires of truck drivers that strayed from their lines.

"How are you feeling back there?" Dr. Amari waited for a response but there was none as she sat up slowly. her hands immeditiatly going to her jacket to feel for her carton of cigarettes. It was humorous how deathly dependent she was on the nicotine. "I hope you don't mind, you fell asleep for quite some time so I decided to bring you to my condo in West Loop."

Realizing the scenery was different and by far nicer, Patience didn't see a need to argue with the logic so she put her last smoke at the side of lips but sat back not needing to do anything further. She let it hang from her mouth as the red and green lights of the city ignited her face with shadows and mystery. It was enough of a scene to make her psychiatrist, who only knew her by the three mere appointments, to make it a habit of looking into the mirror that was positioned down. It's focus on the enkindle of bone structure that made the girl so intriguingly pleasing. Not only the apparent attraction but the lust for her attitude. Her simple monotone behavior that was flat and droning enough to be unnoticeable but normal enough to be charismatic.

The parking garage to her condo was settled underneath the tall building covered in glass and marble. An elevator in perfect walking distance to make it easier for the tall woman in sticky heels and tired girl who tried her best to walk one step in front of the other. Her unlit cig that she once had in her mouth was now tucked behind her ear, for a fear that more was not to come and her last valuable source of calmness needed to be preserved.

In the elevator there was more glass, it mirrored the two opposite woman in a dense light that showed other than their dress the stark difference to their skin tone. Julianne was clearly a descent of pure Italian genes, her olive skin complimenting her dark ruthless eyes and sharp black eyebrows that didn't shy from the purity of sable colors. Patience was pale and lanker, her body holding less curves but more untamed hair. Hers being a lighter brown and lighter chocolate eyes. Still, they hid with her paralyzing fatigue that let up the more she saw.
"How much money do you make listening to crazy people like me?"

"Enough." Was all Dr. Amari said back. Her keys inviting them in as she opened the door to her home.

Coming Soon


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