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Mr. Germaphobe

Tuesday 8:30 Pm

Hey, did you know that male seahorses

carry eggs and not the females??

I swear to God if I don't pass this test

tomorrow Imma be beat.

Mr. Germaphobe

Maybe instead of texting me you

should be... I don't know... Studying

or something?

Omg Sakusa I didn't know you were

capable of making jokes!

You did it once. Now never do it again (:

Mr. Germaphobe

You are an asshole.

I know. It keeps me up at night.

Anyways I've already studied a bunch.

Mr. Germaphobe

Then you should be fine.

Mr. Germaphobe

Speaking of studying. You're fluent in English,


Omg no way.

Are you Sakusa (insert first name) asking

me for help with English?

Mr. Germaphobe

Alright alright don't let it get to

your head.

It already has.

I'm an Oikawa (not by blood but)

are you kidding??

Mr. Germaphobe

Did you just indirectly insult your cousin?

Yes, yes I did.

Facetime hoe?

Mr. Germaphobe

Sigh. Fine I guess.

You did not-

You did not just type out "sigh"

over text.

Mr. Germaphobe

Get your eyes checked bitch because

I most definitely did.

Mr. Germaphobe

What's taking so long?

Okay calling now!

Hey, Did You Know? (Sakusa Kiyoomi x OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant