Parties Gone Wrong

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I tried to leave the bathroom, subtly without anybody noticing, Suga behind me. I was still feeling incredibly embarrassed at my outburst, and I certainly didn't feel intoxicated enough to deal with people in that moment. 

We both headed back to the living room where everyone was still having a good time, none of them really seeming to notice us....except Tanaka, of course. I quickly ran to the table where all of the drinks were and poured myself another, downing it rapidly. 

Tanaka headed over to where I was stood, beside all of the drinks, "What's got you all hot and bothered?"

I blushed furiously, even harder than I had been previously, "What do you mean?" I tried to play it cool, ultimately failing miserably.

"You and Suga? Leaving the bathroom at the same time? That's pretty suspicious, (Y/N)," he trailed off, smirking and holding back a wild laugh. 

"Shut up. You saw nothing." 

"Only if you tell me what happened."

We had a little staring competition, in which I gave up pretty fast, opting to down another beverage before talking. He looked at me in shock as I spoke, "I told him that I think I like him."

He stared at me even more intently than he just had, "You...You what?!" he scream whispered as I muffled his words with my hand, desperately trying not to attract any attention.

"Dude, shut up! I told him that I think I like him!" I let go of my hand on his mouth.

He stared at me in shock and honestly, I was in shock too, "Jesus, (Y/N), what did he say back?"

"He...He said he thinks he likes me, too."

I wasn't certain of the expression that Tanaka was displaying, it could've really been anything. He wasn't giving me any indications, that was until he grabbed onto both of my upper arms harshly, "(Y/N). You have a shot. I am so proud," he said loudly, pulling me in for a hug. That did attract a little bit of attention. Mainly from Noya, Ennoshita and Narita. 

I cleared my throat and addressed those of whom in the room were staring at our little display, "He's drunk," I said whilst gesturing to the nearly weeping Tanaka. That seemed to be good enough for them, chuckling and going back to their conversations. 

"Oi, don't tell them I'm drunk. I've had one drink!" he said, half-angry, half-joking.

"Well you better act it unless you want to explain our conversation in front of everyone," I scream whispered back to him. 

"I'm sorry, (Y/N)! I'm just happy for you, that's all! I've always wanted to see you two as a thing, you know."

I blushed, "Really?"

"Yeah, ever since the first time I saw you two interact, I thought it would be a cute pairing," he chuckled, patting me on the back, "I know he'd treat you right, too."

I looked over to Suga, who was deep into a discussion with Hinata and Asahi and I smiled to myself, "Yeah, I think he would." 


The night carried on late, most of the third year crew and also Hinata passing out on Daichi's floor. Kageyama, Asahi and Tsukishima had left already. The last ones standing were Noya, Tanaka, Daichi, Suga, Yamaguchi and I. Most of the boys were either not drunk at all or were on a little bit of a comedown. In particular, I was feeling pretty sleepy. We had a really fun night, I had conversations with pretty much all the guys, it just felt like old times. 

I was so happy with how everything turned out, most of them went home seeming like they had a really good time. Eventually, the majority of the boys retreated home whilst I sat in the living room with Suga, Daichi and Tanaka. Noya was in the kitchen as he said he'd help clean up a little. 

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