I ran away, it was stupid but I couldn't deal with anyone. After I left Celeste's home I went straight to my empty dorm, Alex was out with hid friends, I grabbed my clothes and some cash and got on a bus and left for Whishers Creek. That was a week ago, I was living in an old abandoned house on the edge of town, it was condemned years ago so I knew no one would bother me there. Now I knew for a fact that I was insane, no one would run away from a perfectly good boarding school to live in some abandoned and condemned building riddled with holes but I did. My living conditions here weren't the best with the constant struggle to stay warm and the the lack of sufficient food since I had to portion the little saving I had on top of that I hadn't showered or washed my clothes since leaving Baron Hill a week ago. I've seen my face come up on the missing peoples report and I've been chased a couple time by the cops, so I mostly roamed at night. It didn't hurt that I knew every nook and crany of Whishers Creek but I knew my unplanned sabitical was soon, coming to an end.

It was a Sunday evening and the beginning of a new week, I was being followed. I started to notice on my third day there, there was always a chill up my spine or a slight pressure at the back of my head,I was being watched. Normally I would lose that feeling in once I'm on my hideout's street, but this I could feel it as I passed it, I decided to circle a few times to loose whoever was following but it continued, it had gotten to a point that I had cut through the cemetery and the park but no matter how hard I tried to loose however was following me, the feeling of being watched still followed.

I was sitting in a dark corner of Whishers Library, pretending to read a book, I had lost the however was following me once I had entered the library, it was my guess that I would be safe here. It was almost closing time and the librarian on duty was putting away some books I decided to go deeper into the library and hid in between one the many shelves. I was lucky because not once did the librarian spot as she moved about. I was also lucky to know their was an old basement level with an window that I could escape through come morning. I sighed as she left closing the doors with her, it was dark but I didn't mind, it was quite and peaceful, I felt so relaxed and before I knew it I was fast asleep.

My dreams that night consisted of my mom crying into Aunt Linda's shoulders and Celeste sadly preparing a pot of tea, Alex was also with them, “I just don't know what would have made him run away” My mom sobbed. Aunt Linda looked over at Celeste, she was furious, Celeste poured mom some tea and headed into the kitchen, Aunt Linda followed suit,“What did you say to him?” Aunt Linda hissed, her warm brown eyes becoming a hard, steely black, Celeste seemed unaffected as she spoke calmly, “What you and your queen,refused to speak” she sipped her tea her eyes on Aunt Linda, filled with restrained malice, Aunt Linda looked away, she left the kitchen going back to my mother.

The dream suddenly shifted, this time I wasn't in my the kitchen with Celeste I was in a beautiful study, a woman, stood by the window looking out into the night, she had a phone to her ear, “Have you found the boy yet?” she asked the person on the line, there was a pause as listened to the person's reply, “He's evaded you again, hasn't he?” another pause, “You found him?” she listened for a reply, “Grab him and bring him here, I'll contact Celeste and Belinda as soon as you get here,” with that she hung up. She turned towards and I got a good look at her face, it was Lilith, her eyes passed over me and landed towards the door as it opened. In came a man who appeared to be of the same age as Lilith, he was dark skinned, tall and had a lean structure, he was just as beautiful as the woman before, “Brother, what is it?” she asked the man, he looked at her, and smirked “Do I need a reason to visit my sister?” he asked with a tone of mischief. Lilith looked at her brother “When it's you Lith,there's always a reason,” she replied bluntly. “Fine,” Lith conceded, “I gain some new Intel on the Hunter Society,”he said, Lilith made a gesture as if to say ‘go on’ Lith continued, “They've come under new leadership, someone by the name Lionel Governor,” he stated as if giving a report to a high official, “And this concerns me, why?” Lilith asked with little interest, Lith became serious “Because unlike their last leader, this one doesn't want partnership or peace, he bids to declare war on us.”

Lilith looked at him in shock, “WHAT?” she exclaimed, “That is pure madness,” she said, Lith looked at her display, calm is the night they were having, “Exactly, the only way he could even keep death of that magnitude secret is if he reveals everything to the humans,” he stated, Lilith looked out the window, a frown on her face, “We must stop this,” she whispered.

I was shook awake by a sound, it was still dark, with a look to the clock over the librarian desk he could it was a minute past midnight, TAP! I shot up. I knew I was just being paranoid it could have just been a rat that had found it's way inside, TAP! Nope, that was too loud for any rat to make. TAP! TAP! TAP! It was getting closer to me, I stood still, waiting, listening for what ever that was. I waited but the sound suddenly died of and was left in silence again. The air was still tense and I could a presence, I was getting a chill and felt like something was crawling up and down my spine, I forced myself to breathe evenly and listened, I couldn't hear anything, but I kept myself on alert and slowly looked around me, nothing, that's all I saw. I gathered my courage and slowly stepped forward, moving cautiously from row to row I was close to exit now, that's when I felt it, something had grabbed my shoulder, I stopped, tensed I slowly turned and was met with a fist, my vision swum as did everything around me along with the figure that stood over me, then it was black, and then nothing.

I was shaking, everything was shaking, I could hear the hum of an engine and zooming of wheels running on smooth, paved roads. BAM! My body crashed forward, my taking the brunt of the hit, I opened my eyes I slowly, as I shook away my daze, my head stung, “You ok back there?” someone asked from the drivers seat, I sat up straight, the driver was looking in review mirror, right at me. My situation came right at me, I didn't know this man, and I was knocked out and I woke up, here, in his car; I was kidnapped. I couldn't breathe, every went hazy again, I felt like a swung about, SCREECH! I was flung forward, “Kid, calm down,” my kidnapper said as came around the back, he was big blur in front “Breathe,” he said as he tried to calm me down.

The man was tall, and muscular, with dark eyes and thick brows, now that I got good look at him I could tell he was an Arab that or an Israeli. He looked me over as I took in calming breaths, it was getting much easier for me to breathe. I look at my surroundings, the car or rather the minivan had stop off on an old dusty trail, to where? I didn't know, there were fields all around, with lots of grounds to cover not to mention tall grass that I could hide in. The leaned away from me, he looked me over once again before headed back to the driver's seat, I raised myself up as he started the car. I looked at the blurring scenery waiting for the perfect opportunity and as he made a turn, we came upon a cornfield that looked as if it was going for miles so as the driver sped by I grabbed my stuff that had been lying on the floor, I flew the door and I jumped.

This is where I stopped, and decided I needed to do a second draft which is what I working on, I hope to publish a complete work by the end of next year, thanks for reading.

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