Not giving up

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One month later ....
Sana standing in her balcony on sea shore of her three bedroom apartment in Canada
Her thoughts wandering and was questioning herself
Was it wise to just disappear on him just like that
Is she a coward to run away again from him
But then he deserve it
N I deserve happiness but am I happy
Would our love have lasted long if I would have given it time
He was all but fake with me
He did cared for me
But then he never tried to find out
Oh wow as if u left any clues for him to find you
You were selfish Sana n too scared to get hurt but doesn't love n pain go hand in hand
Her thoughts are disturbed by Jenny her help here by calling out to her for her morning tea
Sana sighed with a long breath and turned to move inside to face a smiling Jenny
"A very good morning Madame! Your tea and breakfast is here as you like it light n healthy "
Sana returned a smile n said " thank u Jenny you are a darling"
Sana not able to hold her thoughts inside anymore blurts out
" Jenny ! It's so perfect and peaceful out here but still I feel something is missing n I am happy but still there is something incomplete! Have u felt so ever !"
Jenny who is nearly 40 years n separated n has seen more life sighs and responds after few seconds pause
" Madame real happiness is the one that your heart feels n tell you n make u feel like on the top of this world "
Sana gave a slight but satisfying smile agreeing to her n responded " hmmmm"
N gets lost in the memory of the day when she left with mixed feelings
This time she only calls her family n no one else she has set up three stores in Canada of her brand " the culture "
She manages one herself  where she stays in Toronto n it's the best among three
She gets freshen up and get dressed in a bright floral yellow dress looking breathtakingly stunning which can charm anybody out of their wits when she adds a smile to it too
So far she has been charming all women walking into her store n few men who accompanied them too but nothing significant that got her attention as sid got
She still missed him each n every moment specially whenever she had a hearty laugh while watching a humorous movie scene or when she really needed some warmth n missed the way he used to embrace her in his strong muscular arms which felt the safest in the world
She was arranging the dresses in her store when she felt weird sensation like sid is close somewhere
She turned to find there is no one but when she turns again to regain her original work she stumbles into a hard chest n almost fell before two strong arms held her from the waist making her eyes go wide and herself speechless
Sid with a naughty smirk says " Surprised cutie ! Awwww I am glad that I still have same effect on you !!!" and bents down to place a soft peck on her cheek " missed me much me too" says with a wink

Open emotionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora