Carrie: The Muscial

699 13 0

Pairing: Sweet Pea x Fem!Reader

Word Count: 983

Warning: None.

Written: November 23rd, 2020

Posted: November 23rd, 2020

Summary: Carrie the Musical. Season 2 Episode 18: A Night to Remember. The reader plays Ethel's character in the musical.

"There you are!" Kevin exclaims, as you emerge from the library

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"There you are!" Kevin exclaims, as you emerge from the library.

"Oh, hey Kevin." You greet with a soft smile. "What's up?" You ask, continuing to venture down the hallway.

"Have you seen Jughead? I have something important to ask him."

"No, I haven't. Did you try the Blue and Gold room?" You questioned, as you dodged students standing in the hallway.

"Ugh, you're a life savor Y/N." Kevin smiled, nudging your shoulder lightly with his.

You giggled before you rolled your eyes. "Tell me something I don't know."

"So, are you going to try out for the musical?"

Stopping in front of your locker, you frowned. "I don't know Kev, I wasn't planning on it." You shrugged.

"A nerd AND a theatre freak?" Sweet Pea let out a laugh. "It just keeps getting better and better with you, huh Y/L/N." He taunted, leaning against the locker besides you.

"What do you want Sweet Pea?" You sighed.

"Leave her alone man, she didn't do anything to you." Kevin chimed in attempting to defend you.

Sweet Pea kicked off the locker, before towering over Kevin. "Watch it."

He decided to leave but not before roughly bumping Kevin's shoulder with his.

"What is that guy's problem?" Kevin questioned angrily as he took Sweet Pea's previous place in front of you, sending daggers at his retreating form.

You shrugged trying to not let it bother you. "Lets go find Jug, yeah?"

Walking down the hallway, you couldn't help but think of Sweet Pea's interactions with you. Normally, he was nice and treated you nice, however as of lately he's been nothing but mean and rude.

Frowning, you weren't the type to have people not like you. Usually, you were well liked by anyone and everyone you met.

"Hey, Jughead, there's something I've been meaning to ask you." Kevin stated, as his eyes landed on Jug.

"What is it?" Jughead questioned his voice full of skepticism as he raised his eyebrow. Glancing at you for reassurance, you shrugged you shoulders with a closed lip smile.

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