He was a friend from my old department. But what was he doing here?

"I missed you so much Chichu." Jaehyun said. I chuckled at him. "I missed you too." Just than I saw Mr Kim walking towards her. We pull away from the hug. "Morning Mr Kim." I greeted.

Jaehyun turn towards him. "Who is he Chichu?" Jaehyun ask.

Taehyung's POV


"Oh Jaehyun. Meet him. He is my senior and the person I am working with. Mr Kim Taehyung and Mr Kim he is my friend from the department I came from  Jung Jaehyun." Jisoo introduced.

Just a friend right?

"Ah. Nice to meet you." Jaehyun said as he led out his hand. I shook his hand before saying "nice to meet you too." "By the way, Jaehyun what are you doing here?" Jisoo ask.

"Will you believe Mr Kim Namjoon transferred me here for a few days. I thought it was great because I haven't seen my Chichu for so many days." Jaehyun said.


"Ah seems like you two are quiet close." I said as I tried to ignore my heart that was growing annoyed from their hugging and all.

"Ah. We are quiet close since we started working at the same time." Jisoo said. "Oh. Good for you than. You got to see your friend after such a long time." I replied.

"By the way Mr Kim is there any works to do. If not I wanna spend time with Jaehyun to catch up." Jisoo ask. I look towards her hopeful eyes.

I hate the feeling that she is giving me her hopeful eyes just to spend time with another guy.

"There isn't. You can go." I said. Afterall who am I to stop two friends from catching up? "Thank you Mr Kim." Jisoo smiled brightly as he took a hold of Jaehyun's hands as she intertwined their hands. "Lets go Jaehyun." Jisoo said as she walk away.

I look towards their disappearing figure as my eyes went to their intertwined hands. I hate that. I went to my office and sat on my chair. I fell back on my chair as I close my eyes. Just than Jisoo's and Jaehyun's intertwined hands came in my eyes.

I irritably open my eyes. If they are just friends why were they walking hands in hands. Other might misunderstand them for something else.

I look towards my watch. 7:30 am it read. I sigh as I made myself busy to get things off my mind.


I look towards the clock 11:46 am it read. They went away in 7:30 am and its almost afternoon now. What the hell are they doing?

I shook my head. Its their choice if they want to stay long with each other. Who am I to stop them? I tried to get back to my work but fail miserably.

I sigh in frustration and stood up as I took my car keys and went in search for them. They shouldn't have gone too far as they didn't took the car.

I search for them and soon stopped as I saw a familiar figure walking in the park with another guy. I got out of the car and approach them.

"Jisoo." I called. They look towards me. I ran towards them. "Oh Mr Kim." Jaehyun and Jisoo said in unison. "You two were taking so long. I thought there was some problem, thats why I came to search for you two." I said.

"There wasn't any problem ot seems." I continued. "I am so sorry Mr Kim. I made you worried." Jisoo bowed. "Its okay." I assured. "Chichu, I have to go. I have some work. You want me to fetch you later?" Jaehyun ask.

Before Jisoo could replied back I said "no need. She has her car." "Oh you have a car?" Jaehyun ask. "Yes oppa." Jisoo replied. I shot my eyes at her.


"Okay. I will go. Take care." Jaehyun said as he kissed Jisoo's forehead and went away. I look towards Jisoo. "Jisoo come here." I called. She looked towards me confused. "There is something on your forehead. Let me get rid of it." I lied as I clean her forehead with my hands.

"Lets go back." I said. Jisoo nodded. We went to my car and took our seat. "You happy?" I ask. "For what?" Jisoo ask. "For meeting Jaehyun." I replied. She smiled brightly and nodded.

I just smile bitterly seeing her all happy with another guy. "He is so nice. He always use to take care of me when I was a newbie in my previous department. He is all rounder you know and he cooks so well." Jisoo rant about Jaehyun.

My grip on the steering wheels got tighter as I tried to calm my heart who was clenched so hard with....... jealousy?

"Stop." I finally said. Jisoo stopped her ranting about Jaehyun and look towards me confused. "Did I bored you with my talks? I am so sorry." Jisoo apologize. "No its not that. I didn't get bored. Its just that I was gonna tell you that we have reached." I said.

Jisoo look outside as she realized we are in infront of the department. We got out and made our way towards the office. We took our seats.

I look towards Jisoo who got busy with her laptop. I open my drawer in which I kept the necklace. I took it out of the plastic and opened the box as I stared at the necklace.

I look towards Jisoo again. I smiled bitterly knowing that she doesn't like me as I do. I gave my attention to the necklace again.

I should probably give up now. I thought as I kept the necklace back on the box and closed the drawer.


(You won't believe, how much I waited for this moment.)

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