
"Mxo! We're getting late!", Lwandile yelled from the end of the corridor. Mxo got out of his room with a toothbrush in his mouth.
"Ah jo. I specifically told you that coach wants to see me before class starts buka wenzan?!", Lwa angrily shot out. Mxo had his tie just sitting over his shoulders. His shirt wasn't even tucked in properly. No belt yet. He was nowhere near ready. Muzi appeared, ready for work. He left Betso still sleeping in their room.
"Ah ah ah. Awukakagcoki?!"(You're still not dressed?!) - Muzi
Mxo took out the brush and spoke with toothpaste painting his entire mouth white.
"I am not naked. I am partially dressed", he reasoned and Muzi thinned his eyes.
"What the hell were you still doing?", Muzi questioned.
"I was exercising. You said we must keep fit.  So I was doing a few push ups to build up these muscles", he continued to reason.
"Yewena tough'arela, finish up or else I'm gonna leave your black a** behind. Your hair is not even combed"
"Can the two of you have this conversation in the car? I really have to go"
"I'm no where near done. Yall go. I'll take myself to school"
"You know very well that I hate it when you take a car to school", Muzi said in a bored and impatient tone. Lwa's phone began ringing.
Muzi was hesitant.
"Dad just go. I don't want Lwa to be late. The swimming tournament is coming up soon. I'll be fine. It's just this once", Mxo said and went back into the room.
"Once?!", Muzi shrieked in disbelief. Mxo laughed as he walked further back into the bathroom.
"I am still waiting for your business plan!", he yelled as he walked. Lwa was already on the last step down the stairs.
"It's coming!", Mxo yelled back as he continued to chuckle.
"Nxn", Muzi exclaimed and they walked out. Mxo had a way of sweeping over his nerves using a brush with metal bristles.

He quickened up when the two left to ensure that he wasn't extra late. The principal was definitely going to sit on his neck as always. A text message from Ndalo came through and he read it as a pop-up while putting on his shoes.
"The baby wants neck kisses🥺", it read and he laughed.
"Mciim yaz wena. When we first meet you nizenza ngath anihlanyi kant weee"(You pretend like you're not crazy whereas the truth lies in the total opposite direction)
He locked the phone and put it in his pocket. He was gonna reply to her when he made it to school. He thought about breakfast when he passed the kitchen but decided against it. He was in too much of a hurry to stomach anything.
While on the way, he remembered that it was traffic time and if he used the straightforward route to school, the convoy was going to delay him much worse than if he actually took the longer one. He changed direction and put on some music. He figured he couldn't be late and bored at the same time. He saw two traffic cops standing in front of one car and only then did he buckle up. They indicated that he should stop and he sighed, but did as requested.
One of the gents looked into the car from the passenger seat and studied the interior.
"Sawubona", he greeted.  The other one remained in his initial position - in front of their car.
"Sho", Mxo greeted back.
"Mind getting out of the car for me?", he calmly said and Mxo frowned.
"Why? If it's a bribe you want let's get this over and done with. I'm late", Mxo stated with impatience.  The other gent approached Mxo's door.
"Mjita don't waste our time. Asifuni ukuk'khawatha ntwana"(We don't want to hurt you), he said while opening the door and taking out his gun. A car swiftly passed by and he never stopped to panic. The one by the passenger door wasn't liking the direction his colleague was taking.
"Get TF outta this car. Who TF do you think you are driving a Mercedes at your lousy age?", the second gent was pointing the gun at Mxo.
"Ayy man Sipho. Put the gun down iyaphuma lentwana"(he's getting out", the first gent pleaded. 
"Fuseg wen ungibangela umsindo masimbakho. Uyayaz' lentwana?"(You're making noise do you know this kid?)
Another car abruptly parked behind Mxo's and Sipho saw that the two guys were armed. He shot at one of them and the other panicked and shot at Mxo who was trying to run, straight at the back of his head. That was before he also dropped dead due to countless bullets that ravaged his entire body. Mxo was lying flat and motionless, front parallel to the ground.

One of the guys ran to check on him and carried both arms over his head. The other widened his curious eyes.
"Yoh yoh yoh. Usibulele uMK. Sfile. Fi!!!"(We're dead. MK is going to kill us). The disbelief and fear that glistened in both their eyes were beyond scientific measure. The other one quickly dialled for paramedics on his phone with the gun still in the other hand. He was limping since he also got shot. His eyes got more glossier from tears that just wouldn't fall down. Another car stopped by to help out.

The paramedics shortly arrived and they were quick in their assistance. One man and one woman. The woman knelt down to check on Mxo's pulse. The scene was now surrounded by people in disbelief, trying to figure out what actually went down. The two just decided to brave it out and called Muzikayise. The paramedic checked numerous times for a pulse but it was nowhere to be found. She let out one of the many disappointed sighs she always does at scenes similar to this one before raising her face to her colleague who was done checking the other two. She shook her head slowly.
"Time of death: 08h48", he recorded before they zipped Mxolisi Kopano Khumalo up in a body bag.


RAGE IN ROYALTY (BOOK 2 OF GUGULETHU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon