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Can't it be as simple as that?
Like the river flowing?
Just as the sun and the moon rise and set?
Can't it be like the wind blowing or,
Just like each piece of sand flowing across the shore?

Can't it be as smooth as,
The melody fits the song!
Can't it be as calm as,
The raindrops touch the soul!

Can't it be all right?
Just right at the place where it has to be!

Can't it be as perfect as
The seasons shift!
Can't it be as mesmerizing as
The weather's changed!

Can't it be as stagnant as
The sky is!
Just as adjusted as
the twinning stars in it!

Can't it be just imperfect but
Yet okay!
Can't it be just life?
With a topping of a little gay!

It's never always what we think life will give us! 

often parting is the only way !!!

ACCIDENTAL LOVE!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin