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I was out of the cornfield. I turned around and saw the house I haven't seen in years. 
"I'm home," I said. My voice sounded a lot younger and higher, so I surprised myself for a splint second before I realized I was six years old again. I ran to the house and practically pulled the door open full force, causing the door to thud against the wall. 

I didn't know what to do as all the familiar surroundings hit my like a ton of bricks in a pillowcase. It felt woozy. I think I opened and closed the door a little too loudly because I heard distant footsteps coming down the stairs. 
"Who's there?" came the very familiar voice of my dad. 
"I've got an ax and I'm not afraid to use it," he said. I didn't know what to do. I became paralyzed with shock. I started to feel as if this was just a dream. 

I heard a thud and a light went to my face. I covered my eyes and tried to look through the slight gaps between my fingers. The light faded from my face. 
"Y/N, what are you doing up this late? What was that noise?" my dad asked me. I couldn't help myself. I didn't say anything, but I walked over to him cautiously. I poked his arm to made sure he was real before I jumped into his arms. 
"You're real," I said in almost a disbelieved voice. 
"Sshh. It's okay, love. Did you you have a bad dream?" he asked. 
"Mmm-mm," I shook my head. "Just a very long one," I replied. I heard more footsteps come down the stairs. "Jack, what's going on?" I heard the one and only voice of my mother ask as I saw her come down the white creaky stairs. She looked at me and almost broke down in sobs. I outstretched my arms and my dad who was holding me, lent me over to my mom. I had forgotten I was much lighter than I was. I hugged my mom tightly. 
"It was just Y/N. She just had a long dream. Not a bad one, just long. I think she's tired," he said. 
"I'm not tired. Just...very emotional," I replied. Both of my parents gave me weird looks. 
"Emotional is a big word for a six year old," my mom told me. 
"I learned a lot in my dream," I replied. My mom smiled at me. "Let's get you back to bed. You had a long day," my mom told me. 
I then remembered everything else that had happened before my cornfield mishap. 
"Wait!" I exclaimed. 
"What?" asked my mom. 
"I may have heard you talking to dad about losing the farm..." I trailed. My mom and dad exchanged looks. 
"Oh, honey. You don't have to worry about that. We'll take care of it," my mom tried to reassure me. 
"Mom, I can tell when you're not sure about something. You don't even know where to start, do you?" I asked. 
"This dream definitely must've been long," my mom muttered. 
"Can I help you come up with a plan tomorrow? I think I can be a big helper," I said, trying to use my six year old mentality or personality whatever you would call it. 
"Sure. Just go back to sleep, okay?" mom said. 
Just then, another pair of footsteps started creaking down the stairs. 
"What's everyone doing up?" I heard the voice of my brother Henry ask. He looked very sleepy as he rubbed his eyes. His chocolate brown hair in a very messy state. 
"Henry!" I exclaimed. I jumped from my mom's arms and hugged him. He was thrown aback, but he hugged me back. 
"Hey! What's the deal? It's eleven o'clock at night," Henry groaned. He may have a heart of gold but not when he was tired. 
"Oh...sorry. Forgot it was this late..." I said, breaking my embrace. 
"How long was this dream of yours?" my dad asked. 
"Nine years," I replied. I heard my mom and dad exchanged chuckles. 
"Nine years, huh? That's really specific," my mom said. 
"I grew up to be fifteen years old in my dream and I am six years old which makes it nine years apart if you do the math," I said. I got some shocked looks from my parents. 
"You're barely in kindergarten and you can already do math in your head?" asked my mom. "Better let the teachers know to boost you up a grade," my mom said. 
"Dreams can really change someone," I said with a slight shrug. 
"Alright well, let's get you to bed and we can discuss more of your dream tomorrow," my dad told me. I signaled for him to pick me up again and he did so. I've really missed being able to do this with a dad. 
Papa would always do this with me if I got tired early and he'd take me to the bedroom, have Flora get me changed and tuck me in before returning to his council meetings. I almost forgot I wasn't in Narnia anymore...
We got to my room. I had a whole boost of nostalgia when dad took me there. He put me in my bed, tucked me in and kissed my head. 
"Good night, my little princess," dad told me. 
"It's queen now, actually," I whispered. 
"What was that?" my dad asked. 
"Nothing. Never mind," I replied. Mom then came and kissed my forehead. 
"I'll see you in the morning, kiddo," she said. 
"Okay. Goodnight mom. Love you," I said. 
"Love you too, kiddo."
And with that, my parents closed the door. I heard a whine and felt someone jump on my bed. 
"Blue!" I whisper yelled. I think only the dog sensed I was gone for nine years because he was attacking me with kisses and rubbing his face against mine excitedly. 
"I missed you too, boy," I said. I was still trying to get used the fact that my voice is three times higher than it used to be. 
Once Blue calmed down I got out of my bed and went over to my desk. I took out a piece a journal and started writing. 

Different Times, The Right World, The Same Love (Edmund Pevensie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now