"I'm sure you did a bunch." I reassured.

Atlas only looked at me. How mean was Mr. Kilen? To say a 6 year old can't do anything? Especially when she's only trying to help! I got angry at him. How dare he use a kid for free labor? I knew he was mean but never this mean! The door opened quickly. Hannah hurried in, carrying a large tub of water. A man and two boys followed her, each carrying a tub. The man had dark brown shaggy hair, and brown eyes. He was tall too. The older boy looked like the man, probably around 13 years old. The younger boy was probably about 10. He had light brown hair, and big brown eyes. I stood up quickly. Atlas sat up on the couch.

"Thank you Sir Porter." Hannah smiled softly.

"Anytime Hannah. Visitor?" The man-or Sir Porter gestured towards me.

"That's my cousin, Anna." Hannah responded without missing a beat.

Anna? Was that some type of code thing, or just a name so Sir Porter doesn't find out my identity.

"Hello Anna, nice to meet you." Sir Porter greeted.

"Nice to meet you." I forced a smile.

"Hey Atlas. How's Hannah treating you?" Sir Porter seemed to care.

"Good." Atlas mumbled.

"Well, introduce yourself to Anna, boys." Sir Porter ordered sharply.

"H-Hello. I-I'm J-Jamie!" The younger one squeaked.

"Hello, I'm Coda." The older boy smiled politely.

"Well we ought to go! Let's go boys!" Sir Porter announced, ushering the boys out.

He turned around, and dipped his hat to us before leaving.

"Gosh I hate him." Hannah muttered before lifting a tub of water on the stove.

"He's a rich snob!" Atlas exclaimed.

Hannah didn't bother to scold her for name calling

"He's really rich! All he does is keep all that money!" Atlas crossed her arms against her chest tightly.

"Aka he's the official that kicked Granny out of her house. It was long before we came here though." Hannah clarified, looking depressed at the mention of Granny .

I only nodded. What else could I do? Add in my own thoughts?

Henry soon woke up, and each of us bathed. Hannah, Atlas, and Henry got into their nicest winter clothes. I dressed in the nicest thing I could find that I brought. The train was a big deal to them, and to me. I had only been on one 4 or 5 times. Normally, my family would travel by plane. They had never been on one. I knew it was going to be an adventure. Not just the train, but finding my biological family. I was ready though.

"Come on slowpokes!" Hannah yelled.

I quickly tucked my phone and the money in my pocket. Henry was sitting on the bed watching me intently.

"What happen?" He asked.

"Me, you, and your sisters are moving. We're going to a place called Iceland Town." I explained.

Henry only looked at me. His eyes were bright with wonder. I picked him up. His hair was neatly combed, or as neat as it could be. He wore a black shirt and coat with matching pants. He looked adorable! I walked out of the room. Hannah stared at me impatiently. Atlas stood next to her. Atlas's eyes were full of curiosity.

"Gosh Evelyn! You're so dang slow!" Hannah complained.

I only rolled my eyes.

Hannah placed her hands in her hips and glared at me.

Just a Background Characterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें