Part 3

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I sat in my bed wondering what was going through Miles' head which possessed him to choke me. Some part inside of me made me want to forgive him... but I'm not too sure I will.

I turned over so I was facing opposite the door and eventually fell asleep

I'd thought I heard my door open but of course I ignored because I was too tired to check if it was anyone. I pulled the covers over my head so if there was anyone there they couldn't touch or get to me, i was now under my covers and my eyes were wide open "what... the... fuck?" I whispered to myself, wondering why there was someone coming into my room every night.

Again I'd fallen asleep but I awoke again, seeing Miles touching my face... what the hell was he doing? I'd gotten a fright "Miles?! What are you doing?" I moved his hand away looking at it "you had a spider on you..." he said back, being too concentrated by the spider which was crawling on his hand. "Well what are you doing in my... this room?" He looked at me, like dead in the eyes "I was just leaving so I'll uh I'll get going now." He walked out the room, only leaving it open a crack

The next morning I'd decided to spend the day with Flora, she was going to show me her horse stable and the horses in it.

I was rather excited for it,
I'd gotten dressed and headed down for breakfast "morning!" Mrs. Grose shouted down "good morning Mrs. Grose!" I sat down across from Miles trying my very best not to make eye contact with him, "are you excited to see the horses y/n?" Flora exclaimed, I nodded covering my mouth since I was eating "very!" "Do you even know how to ride one?" Miles scoffed "well yes actually. I do, you see my father sent me off to many boarding schools because I wasn't "lady like" and I suppose that's why I'm quite posh, I have rather good posture and more!" He nodded "that's cool!" I nodded cleaning my mouth "yeah! Can we go now?!" Flora asked, jumping out her seat and grabbing hand "let's go!"

She'd shown me the horses and Miles was "teaching" me how to ride one. He was shouting extrusions at me "Miles I do wish you'd shut up! I'd told you before I know how to ride a horse!" He whipped the horses again "well clearly you're not doing it right!" I'd have just about enough of his attitude and made the horse stop before climbing off it. I walked up to Miles, handing him the helmet "shut up!"

Flora was now showing me the maze sort of thing, "wow this is amazing! I bet you have quite a lot of friends!" She laughed "none actually." I sort of felt sorry for the girl in a way "well you have one now!" I spoke to her and she laughed again

Sorry this was short but I'll update it soon so I hope you enjoyed, the tea and the whole story concept will come soon💖

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