SO,SN,SB, Who Are You?- Part Two

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Nicole awoke.
She looked over at a sleeping Waverly.
"Are you ok?" Waverly whispered with her eyes still shut.
"Um, yeah. I just had the weirdest dream."
"Hmm." As silence set in, Waverly grinned. "Wynonna, Mercedes" she groaned as Nicole looked at her shocked. She playfully nudged her, as Waverly opened her eyes and giggled. "What? I suppose when your forever Haught has dreams about your sister and her friend, it should raise red flags..." she said looking over at Nicole.
"Nope. No, red flags, it's just Wynonna being in charge of my Bachelorette has know?"
"Oh..." Waverly replied disappointed, " I had really really thought that if you were having red flags, I should do something..." she seductively pursed her lips "that can redirect those thoughts." She followed with a grin.
"Oh I think I could use some redirection."
"Oh well, how about this?" Waverly began to kiss Nicole.

Wynonna was tired, she and Doc hadn't talked much but Black Badge had her pretty busy and up to her neck in demon bodies. All she needed was some barn bed love. As she made her way to the barn doors, she heard a noise. Quickly she began to mentally list possible things that can get onto the homestead without Rachel/ Nicole's traps catching. Revenants were now a thing of the past. She grabbed peacemaker closely.
"Wynonna?" She quickly turned back at the entrance to find Doc.
"Look, will you please make some noise when you arrive at a girls barn apartment."
"I brought some things Nedley had for Nicole but I do say the two of them are enjoying themselves, so I wanted someone to at least know."
"Yeah, ok." She said nonchalant, suddenly there was a noise of medal falling in the barn. As her and Doc drew their guns, they both headed in.
"You looking for trouble stranger?"
"You must be Wynonna....Wynonna Earp." The man standing with a water bucket announced.
"Who needs to know?"
"Well your future family," he said placing the pail down and coming over and hugging Wynonna tightly. "The name is Samuel, Samuel Haught and my Nicole is marrying your Willa, or was it Wonks. Honey, what's the girls name?" He called out, immediately an older woman with long greying red hair came around the corner with bags in her hands.
"It's Waverly."
"Yes, Waverly" he said stepping back.
"And whose this fine gentleman." The woman flirtatiously asked.
"John Henry Holiday, ma'am but you can just call me..."
"Doc. Like the infamous Doc Holiday. Well looked here, Maw, we a western enthusiast like me. Samuel Haught was my relative. I sorta grew this mustache in honor of him, or was it in protest of the war?"
"Well it's a mighty fine mustache." Doc replied as Wynonna looked at him weirded that he was buying all this crap.
"So why are you here in my barn?"
"Well, our Daughter Mia, told us to wait until later today to come in but we just wanted to get settled and the RV need a power source, so..." Suddenly Waverly, came in, shutting the door.
"Hey, Wy..." she stopped as she turned to find everyone standing there. "I didn't know you had visitors."
"Waverly Earp, meet Samuel and Ima...." she snorted at the name. "Haught, your in laws."
"But Nicole said that Mia just was coming, not"
"We wanted to surprise her."
"And you did. You always do." A angry Nicole replied behind them.
"Reyleigh" Ima said coming over to hug Nicole, as Sam joined in,
"No, you all don't get to do don't get to be at my wedding or where I call home. You lost that privilege." Nicole said leaving, as Waverly smiled at the two of them, she ran after Nicole.
"I guess she a little...Haught." Wynonna added with a grin as Doc shook his head no.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2021 ⏰

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