Awaken eyes

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We were so high in the setting sky. Reds and pinks with hints of orange splashed the sky, I've never seen anything like it for all the years I have been in this forest.

But a more beautiful sight was before me.

When that angel opened his eyes it was like looking at the most beautiful oceans. Full of colour and life as they stared at me blankly for a few seconds. I couldn't help but stare back. His eyes were so different from anything I've ever seen. I wanted them... I wanted them to myself and no one else could even look at such a beautiful sight.

I wanted to rip them out and keep them somewhere safe and away from harm... Where no one but me can see them. "Wait what am I thinking?!" I couldn't help but shout in my mind. I didn't want to hurt this person who I can possibly talk with! I don't want to hurt anyone...Never again.

After that moment of stares, I felt his foot hit me straight in the face. "Demon!" he shouted as I dropped him. His wings extended and he struggled to try to fly, did he not know how to fly? It was something that came easy to me. I never really had trouble with it... But right now that angel was falling to his doom.

I watched him panic and more fear growing in him as he got closer to the ground. But there was no way I would let him just die. He can see me!

I flew down catching the angel in my arms before flowing to the ground like a fallen leaf. Putting him on his knees and crouching down before him.

"H-hey calm down... I won't hurt you" I say, trying to keep my normally loud voice down so he stays calm.

He stared into my eyes and glared. "How can I trust someone who is in hell for their sins," he asked. Even with such a beautiful body, his voice was cold as ice. Unshaken even though his body shows he was just terrified of me and falling. I couldn't help but sigh.

"I was banished, I have no powers. You're the first person I've spoken to in over 1000 years" I answer. It was surprising from what it seemed to him. But I wouldn't lie about something I've been put through for so long.

"Why... Did you do to get banished?" he asked. Keeping his distance but I could tell the little angel was curious about me.

"How about I get your name first?" I asked. Smiling at him and hoping that would make him feel a little better. But he seemed very fascinated by my fangs when I smile. I don't think he's ever seen a demon before. Probably why he assumed I would hurt him right away. I would never do that to someone so beautiful.

"Akaashi Keji," he said staring deep into me. Like he was more trusting of the woods around him than the person who just saved him from falling. He was a strange one this Akaashi.

"Bokuto, Pleased to meet you" I reply...I could tell he didn't trust me at all. This may take some time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2020 ⏰

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