His voice was husky and different. Different like he had a Bradford British accent, perfectly common here, but had an American edge to it. Like he was born in America and raised in Bradford or vice versa.

His question took me off guard, "How do you-"

He cuts me off before I can finish speaking. "You are Nichole then. Rick told me about you. I'm Ryan."

So that's why he seems familiar. Now that I look at him, he looks quite similar to Rick except for his tan.

"You like to dance, don't you?" How is it that he knows so much about me, when I know zero things about him?

"Yes, how-"

I"You were swaying your feet to the music. Anyone who does that probably likes dancing."

At this point, he seemed a cutting-someone's-speech-off master and sounded like a detective from an old novel to me. I guess the surprise I felt inside gave off my face also, because he started to laugh.

In between laughs he managed to get out, "You should have seen your face."

I don't know what he found humorous, because I didn't find anything remotely humorous here.

"Now now, don't disturb my little sister so much." That was my brother, and for once I was glad he interfered.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to laugh. It was just funny how oblivious you were."

Well let's just say, he didn't look apologetic at all. But saying this gained him a nice and hard smack on his head from Rick.

"Sorry, Nichole," he said, this time looking more apologetic. I just nod to him.

"First day here and you start disturbing others," Rick remarked and all of us including Sam and Monica, Rick's girlfriend, who just joined us, start laughing.

"You know Nichole, Ryan is as interested in dancing as are you," my brother whispered, loud enough for everyone present there to hear.

"So you can dance?" I ask Ryan.

"Better than you."



"Let's end this here. I don't like where this is going." Rick tries to draw a peace treaty but he doesn't realize that it has already been passed. First of all, Nichole May Adams doesn't let go of a face-off, whoever it is with.

"No let's do it," I announce.

"Let's have it then," he declares, and we both stand up.

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