You are someone who comforted me. (Dylan X Summer) Part 2

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Five years later.

Dylan and Spike were surfing. It was very sunny. Dylan was doing all kinds of acrobatics. On the edge:

Spike: It was amazing! You should start a competition.

Dylan: I don't know.

Suddenly a puppy jumped on Dylan and knocked him down. The puppy had black, floppy ears and paws. He was distinguished by a black patch on his left eye.

???: That was great Dad.

Dylan: Thanks Lucy.

Lucy: Uncle Spike is right. You should be competing.

Dylan: I'll think about it. So what? Let's go to dinner.

Together, Dylan Lucy went home where Summer was finishing making dinner.

Summer: Hey honey. How did it go?

Dylan: Pretty good ...

He did not have time to finish when the puppy ran into the kitchen. His paws and ears were white. it was distinguished by a heart-shaped stain.

???: Lucy told me what you did. It was amazing!

Dylan: Thanks, Max.

Summer: Lunch!

Lucy and a puppy that resembled Summer entered the kitchen.

They all sat down at the table and ate in peace. Suddenly, Dylan remembered what happened five years ago.

Meanwhile, Dolly was waking up in London. She stretched and went into the kitchen to eat. She met Fergus in the kitchen.

Fergus: Good morning Dolly. How did you sleep?

Dolly: Good. But I have to go look after the puppies today.

Fergus: I'll go with you and help you.

Dolly: Thank you baby.

Meanwhile, at Cornwell, the entire family had dinner. Dylan spoke to Summer.

Summer: Are you sure you want to do this? You suffered because of them.

Dylan: Yeah I know but ... It's my family. They haven't seen me in 5 years.

Summer: You think they changed?

Dylan: I think so.

Summer: When are you leaving?

Dylan: Today.

Half an hour later, Dylan said goodbye to everyone and drove off towards London.

After an hour of leisurely driving, he finally made it to London. Meanwhile, Dolly was preparing dinner on Dalmatian Street while Fergus was guarding the puppies. Suddenly the doorbell rang. Dolly went to play. She was shocked when she opened them.

Dylan: Hello sister.

Dolly just started crying and hugged Dylan.

Dolly: Sorry, sorry Dylan.

Dylan: It's okay.

In a moment, everyone was hugging Dylan and apologizing to him.

???: Mom, who is that?

It was a little puppy with an orange collar and a silver star.

Delilah: Dorothy this is your brother Dylan.

Dorothy: Dylan?

Dylan: Yes it's me - he said with tears in his eyes - your brother.

Dorothy ran and hugged him.

Dorothy: Come on. Let me show you my treehouse.

Dylan with Dorothy. After about an hour, everyone, including Dylan, went to the park. Dylan met Fergus there.

Fergus: Hey Dylan. Haven't seen you in ... 5 years.

Dylan: Yeah, I had to take a break from it all.

Fergus: And what have you been doing all this time?

Dylan: I met a beautiful girl, I confessed my love and we've been together ever since. And you?

Fergus: I have a girlfriend too. And you won't guess who it is.

Dylan: Who?

Fergus: Dolly.

Dylan Really? I did not expect this.

After an hour, everyone had to go home.

Dolly: Dylan, don't leave.

Dylan: I have to. Here is my address - he gives them a card with the address - Visit me sometime. Bye everyone.

Everyone: Bye Dylan!

Dylan got on the bus and drove away. After an hour he got there. He told everything and went to prepare dinner. In the evening:

Summer: I'm glad everything is fine now.

Dylan: Yes, me too. I finally feel that everything is fine. Good night, my beautiful.

Summer: Good night my star dog.

Dylan finally dealt with his past, and it ended well for him.

If this part has 5 votes, I will start the next chapter.

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