Chapter 1 - Freedom

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Wendy's POV

"Hey, move it a little bit more to the right, Dipper." I motioned my hands to tell him to move the banner that says "50% Off!" The sign was definitely big and the text is written in red paint. I don't really know why Stan would want a promotion, considering that he's so cheap. In fact, he's super cheap with this handmade banner, buying his merchandize with a 50% discount is so unbelievable.

Dipper is standing on a tall ladder to reach the front top of the Mystery Shack. I am kind if worried that he might fall but I can trust him. I know he can do a simple task.

The cool yet also kind of warm breeze is what I'm feeling as I feel my red hair flowing to the direction of the wind. The wind is not that strong since it's still the middle of summer.

I could see that the banner is   also moving with the wind. The banner is out of control and Dipper is moving also, uncontrollably.

I became more worried as I saw Dipper losing his balance. I didn't hesitate to run to catch him.

"Ahh!!" He screamed as he fall but then he had been catched by my arms. Dipper peeked and opened his left eye. Then, he was finally relieved.

"Phew! That was close." I say jokingly and he smiled.

I put him down after.

"Let me help you with that." I said then his cheeks are flushed, red because of humiliation?

"Hey. No need to be embarrassed. Everyone messes up sometimes." He nodded and avoided eye contact. He just kept his vision on the wooden floor. I put my hand gently to his chin and lifted it so now his eyes are now staring into mine, and I feel like I'm going to faint at anytime soon.

I walked up to the ladder, also carrying the banner along the way.

"I have a question." I say as I pin the banner on the front of the rooftop.

"Hmm?" He's frown then turned into a smile that I admit, was the one that carried me to fall in love for him.

"Why would Stan.." I suddenly asked as I hammer a nail on the right side of the banner, to prevent them from being blown away by the gusts of wind.

"Offer a promotion?" He interrupted and finished my question. It's like he already know what I was thinking.

"Look." Dipper pointed out the bottom part of the large banner. Then I realize. It was a joke.

"Oh." I chuckled as I finally catched up. The banner actually has a little text found at the bottom that says "just kidding". Very clever Stan. That really attracts customers, not in the best way though.

"Hey! You finished out there?" Stan exited the front door and looked at the top view wher the banner is at.

"Can't you tell?" I point out the finished work Stan has given out for us and I snickered after. It's really not that funny but Dipper laughed at it.

Stan rolled his eyes.

Then, Dipper leaned closer and I could already feel the warmth. We pressed our foreheads together and I closed my eyes.

"What is going on in here?" Stan asked, making us ruin the moment.

Great and note to sarcasm.

I sighed and I guess I have to explain this complicated and messed up thing. I'm really not up to it. It's hard to explain, to understand that two opposite person could fall in love. But the main thing is that we're in love and that's basically it. Can a person just be happy without others criticizing them?

"Hey. We're finally free. Don't judge us." I said to Stan and being offensive.

He just sighed and rubbed his forehead which made me frown at him. But then I see him smiling?

"Alright. But you better explain this to me soon, okay? I nodded as I'm an employee but if I wasn't, I would prefer not telling him. He wouldn't understand.

Stan walked to the entrance door and me and Dipper are alone again.

I am not sure if were completely free. I doubt that there will be no other people who will judge us. I can already see, Stan judging our relationship, how about others. They will definitely criticize us. That thought boogles my mind lately. I need to speak my mind about what boogles me a lot.

"Are we really free?"

Summer Love: Dipper and Wendy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now