Goblins in the dark

Start from the beginning

"Wait!" I shouted, making my way to the front of the crowd.

Well, well, well, look who it is. Thorin son of Thrain, son of Thror; King under the Mountain."

The Great Goblin king bows exaggeratedly to me, making it painfully obvious he meant no respect.

"Oh, but I'm forgetting, you don't have a mountain. And you're not a king. Which makes you nobody, really. I know someone who would pay a pretty price for your head. Just the head, nothing attached. Perhaps you know of whom I speak, an old enemy of yours. A Pale Orc astride a White Warg."

I looked up in surprise and disbelief.

"Azog the Defiler was destroyed. He was slain in battle long ago." I growled out.

"So you think his defiling days are done, do you?"

The king turned to a small goblin, "Send word to the Pale Orc; tell him I have found his prize."

The tiny goblin wrote down the message on his slate; cackling, he then pulled a lever, causing his basket to start sliding down a system of ropes and pulleys into the darkness.

All of a sudden he turned to look behind us in horror as a blast of fire can from behind, and a figure could just be seen walking out of the flames.

All of a sudden he turned to look behind us in horror as a blast of fire can from behind, and a figure could just be seen walking out of the flames

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"No! It can't be!" The King whimpered, walked slowly back to his throne

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"No! It can't be!" The King whimpered, walked slowly back to his throne.

The figure soon become clear to who they were, causing me to sigh in relief, something I didn't think I'd be able to do with them around.

(Y/n)'s POV

I emerged from the cloud of fire, little trick I found out I could do.

"And who am I great king? A nobody as well?" I taunted.

Pulling my hood down, I received gasps both from Dwarves and goblins, both shock and relief.

"Ah, (Y/n)....strange to see you so far from the border" The king tutted, looking me up and down wearily.

"I travel from time to time" I smirk and I put my hand in the hilt of my sword, making my way to the front of the crowd.

"Now before I burn this filthy place to ash, I insist that you let these Dwarves go, on a bit of a schedule" I gave a tight smile, holding my stance.

I could feel an inner tug and whisper in the dark, it was fading but still apparent.

Something that I have not felt for a very long time.

"And why would you, associate yourself with Dwarves, I'm surprised they haven't attempted to kill you" He laughed whilst the Dwarves looked in confusion - except for Oin, Balin and Kili, the three Dwarves who know who I am.

"Ohhhh, you haven't told them, guess they don't know about you know who either" he gloated, adding to the Dwarves confusion.

"They need not know about you know who, I have put my past behind me" I
Growled, fully ready to chop his head off.

"Ah, but your past can never truly be behind you (Y/n).....or should I say....THE LONLEY DRAGON!"

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