2 :D

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(Art by @KiceSliced on Twitter)

Tommy and Tubbo entered the glorious bank with a small smile, Tommy immediately adapting into the regal air within. "Um... Tommy, are those real?" Tubbo whispered softly next to him, making Tommy chuckle softly. "They are, but they won't bother us. Goblins don't like to meddle with human affairs, unless it benefits them, Tubbo." Tubbo listened diligently, nodding along a little.

"Mr. Watson. I wasn't expecting you here, nevertheless alone, without your father or your brothers?" The Goblin standing at the counter said, his face twisting into a slight grimace. "Sorry to barge in unexpectedly, Stekt. I'm here to change £500 into Galleons." Stekt sighed. "And is this approved by your brothers or father?" Tommy groaned, before taking out a mirror. "What's that?" Tubbo asked curiously, making Tommy grin.

"Watch this, Tubb. Sleepy bois." The mirror shifted from clear and reflective to cloudy, before Techno's face appeared, looking exhausted. "What is it, Tommy? I'm going to sleep." Tommy grinned sheepishly. "Sorry Techno, I just need your approval for an exchange." Tommy said, turning the mirror toward the Goblin. "Oh. How much?" Techno asked, yawning. "£500. Is it ok with you?" Techno hummed, before nodding. "From your account or the family account?" Tommy grinned. "Mine." Techno nodded again, before the mirror became normal once more.

"So, can we move on?" Stekt sighed, before nodding. He spoke in Goblin to another Goblin, who then signalled the two boys to follow. "How much are you taking out, Mr Watson?" The goblin asked. "500 pounds. Change it into the exact amount of Galleons, Sickle and Knuts." The goblin nodded, before he went into the room. The two boys chatted for a little, before the Goblin came out with a medium sized sack of coins in his hands. "Thank you Stagz. Appreciate it." Tommy said, waving goodbye to the goblin before they left the bank.

"Here. You can take these. If you need anymore I'll gladly lend you some." Tommy said, handing the coin sack to Tubbo, who blinked. "Um... thank you Tommy! You really didn't have to do that, though." Tommy scoffed. "It's ok, Tubbs. Take it as... a sign of friendship." Tubbo blinked, before quickly rummaging through his bag. He smiled, before handing Tommy a flame pendant. "What's this for?" Tommy asked, as he took it from Tubbo's hands.

"A sign of friendship. I have a bee one, and I had made a few more pendants, but I think a flame fits you, in a way." Tubbo said, as he took out a container, with a fox, a flower, a duckling, a goat, a green block, a pair of muggle sunglasses, a guitar, a crown, a pair of goggles, a bandanna, a diamond and a pair of angel wings.

"Why did you make these specific things?" Tommy asked, as they walked through the alley, Tommy's pendant safely inside his backpack. "I dunno, the inspiration came to me like this. What are we getting next, Tommers?" Tubbo asked, making Tommy glacé at his list. "I'm going to get an owl, since they are useful for mail deliveries." Tubbo hummed, before Tommy turn to him. "What are you getting?" Tubbo glanced at the list, before humming. "I guess an owl would be nice." Tubbo grinned, before they stop in front of Eeylops Owl Emporium, where, even outside, they can already here the hoots of multiple owls.

When they entered, Tommy immediately scrunched his nose at the smell. Soon enough, he became familiar with it before Tubbo pulled him somewhere. "What are you getting, Tubbs?" Tubbo shrugged, before they both split up, Tubbo going down where the Tawny owls are while Tommy went down the eagle owl sections. He walked around, before a loud hoot made him jump. He looked around, before spotting a very dark brown owl with bright blue eyes. "Hello gorgeous." He muttered, making the owl tilt its head. "Hmm. You look really sweet for an eagle owl." The owl hooted again, rubbing its head against the cage.

"Very soft. I want this one." He muttered,  making the owl hoot again, before Tommy lift the cage carefully. He walked back to the counter to see Tubbo with a blonde Tawny owl, eyes blue as the sky. It hooted loudly, before Tommy's owl hooted back, softly and politely. "It seems like you two just bought the exact opposite of each other, hmm?" The shop owner said, chuckling as the two boys laugh softly. They both payed for the owls, before Tommy pulled Tubbo in the direction of a certain shop. "Where are we going now, Tommy?" Tubbo asked, as his owl hooted angrily at being rustled around in his cage.

"Wand time!" Tommy said excitedly, as his owl hooted excitedly. Tubbo's smile brightened, before they stopped in front of Ollivander's. "Come on, they make the best wands!" Tommy said, pulling Tubbo into the shop. They left the owls outside, Tommy casting an invisibility spell onto the owls so no one would come and steal them. He also casted Muffliato, which basically made the owls silent.

"Ah, Mr Watson, Mr Smith! How are you boys?" Ollivander asked, appearing from behind the cupboards piled with wand boxes. "How did..." Tommy shrugged. "I've been here before, but I have no idea how he knew your name." Ollivander chuckle, before he handed a box to Tommy. "Holly, 10 and a half inches, Phoenix feather, slightly bendy." Tommy waved around the wand, before the nearest vase flew across the room. "Nope!" Ollivander said, snatching the wand away, fixing the vase. He took another and handed it to Tommy. "Oak, 11 and a half inches, Phoenix feather, unbending." Tommy took it softly, before all the paper around him started floating. "Nope." Tommy said, placing the wand back into the box. "Hmm... difficult." Ollivander muttered, before he gave Tommy another.

"Cherry, 12 and a half inches, Phoenix feather, Springy." Tommy took it softly, and immediately a feeling of warmth surged from the wand, and it let out red and white sparks. "Ooo what a nice combo. Now, it's your turn, mr Smith." Tubbo walked ahead, as Tommy stood to the side, watching his new friend intently. "Hm. Here. Birch, 10 and a half inches, unicorn hair, unyielding." Tubbo took it carefully, before it let out a green spark. "Well that was fast!" Ollivander said with a smile, as Tubbo smiled. "Good on you Tubbo!" Tommy said, patting his shoulder softly.

They paid for their wands and they gathered their owls, before they both promised to owl each other. When Tommy waved goodbye to Tubbo as he disappeared behind the brick walls, Tommy took out his mirror. "Sleepy bois." He said softly, heading towards the Floo.

:D Next chapter is them heading off to Hogwarts! And they probably will meet other Dream SMP bois :D

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