1- New World(BKG)

Start from the beginning

Okay, so after this guy gives me S class treatment he's going to put me in a dirty old dungeon. Love this place's logic.

I let him chain my wrists together, I don't really care what happens to me, I wanted to die in my world that doesn't change anything here. If they kill me, I'll just have to hope I don't wake up in another world.

Just before four eyes could lock my cell, I hear a mature and monotone voice speak though I can't see it's owner.

"Open the door, I would like to see to prisoner up close."

Four eyes was unsure of what to do, I'm assuming doing what he was just asked would go against some sort of rule.

"Y-yes, prince Shoto."

The guard leaves and and candy cane looking prince man appears in front of me. He gives a calm emotionless face, it's like he doesn't have a care in the world.

"Have you ever heard of Life Or Death?"

Well that's a stupid question, "Of course I have, dumb ass." I mumble angrily at him.

The prince furrows his eyebrows at me, "Such vulgar use of language in front of royalty. I know for a fact you have never heard of Life Or Death, it is a tale only passed down by Todoroki bloodline."

Wait, so this guy is talking about a damn story, I thought he was just talking about the concept of life or death.

"It is something only us royals would know and yet you've managed to appear just how it says. 'A human from another world, one born of anger, would save those for gain', that's what it said."

Okay, do I give a damn?

We've just met and he's already super annoying. If you're gonna kill me, do it bitch.

"So, I have to ask, how did you get here?" He looks down at me looking confused. Personally, I don't even know how I got here but I think I have a theory.

"I killed myself or tried, I guess."

I see a sudden sparkle in his eyes, he takes out a knife from his pocket, which I'm pretty sure a prince should not be walking around with. He grabs my cuffed hands and gives me the knife, the point of the blade facing my neck.

"Go ahead, I'm giving you a second chance. If you truly want to die, do it."

I really want to, I want to do it, but my hands are frozen and my body refuses to listen to me. Why though, I want this, so why won't this damn body listen.

"Why do you tremble so? This is what you desire, so why freeze?"

I don't know, "I...can't.." it's not something I usually admit out loud but it just came out on its own. I can't slice my throat, I drop the knife.

"See? You still had some will left to live, just like the story, you really are the child born of anger like the story says. So why do it in your world? Why go to such lengths to end it early?"

Why does he keep on asking such damn personal questions. "I'm not fucking answering you,"

He smirks, "That's fine, understood." He leans his face closer to me, "But you're here, that means you were given a second chance to live, your soul isn't ready to leave just yet." He rubs the hair on my head, if I could reach out and stop him I would but the chains are too short.

"So you're not going to kill me?" No im not getting my hopes up, I'm genuinely pissed, he's such a bastard, I hate him.

"Now why would I kill someone who can prove my father wrong?" He stops his hand that is still resting in my head, he sighs, "You want to leave, right?"

"I don't really care—"

"I know you do. You want to go home, maybe apologize to your parents, hug your friends, kiss your partner." His eyes turn sad, it's almost as if he was speaking from his own perspective, maybe he is, I'll never really know.

I tilt my head slightly, even if he is talking about himself he is attempting to talk about me technically. I'll just go with the act, I just met him and I don't plan on going into his business. "I don't have a partner, bastard."

" 'This human of anger fell in love with their protector, through their journey in life the protector was always the kindest to them'. It's in the story."

I groan, this gay is way too frustrating I hate it! "Look, I don't care about some damn fairytale you read as a kid, I don't have anyone I feel that way for."

The candy cane crosses his arms, "Then you are certainly not the one to save us."

Yeah no shit, and save who?

"In the tale, the human of anger had a lover, it may be possible you have appeared earlier than expected. You might not have fell in love yet." He thinks out loud to himself, at least I think he is. "It's settled then, we must send you back home, but I'm not sure how to just yet." He mumbled the last part as if he's embarrassed to not know that.

"Tch, for someone who talks a lot about that story, you don't anything, do ya."

He shakes his head shamefully, "Sadly I have not clue on how to get you home without breaking the story."

"Oh, so you know how I can get back but you just want me to get laid before I can do anything." It was a sarcastic statement but very true, "Anyways, why would you want me to date someone, I'm turning 17 in a month, I don't plan on dating till 18."

By my parents standards, 16 is way too young to start a romantic life, and I didn't mind that at all, I haven't met anyone that I like in that way yet so it's not a bother for me.

"S-sixteen...that's way too young, I thought that if we couldn't take you back to have a lover then I would be the next option, but I'm 20."

Even if we were the same age I wouldn't date him, ew.

"Then we have no choice, this is the only part of the story I'm breaking, I'll set you free and then we find a way to save the kingdom and send you home."


The ship isn't illegal
Age consent in Japan is 13
And even then the people there are petitioning to being raised at 16, Bakugou is turning 17
So he is completely legal for Todoroki

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