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Author here! I'm super excited for this book! Just so you know, italicized and underlined means flashback. I'm pretty sure all- or almost all- of this chapter is flashback. I mean, it is a prologue. That also means it's shorter than all of the other chapters.



Yonaga Tsukiko's Mom and her brother Asahi were fighting again. Tears were trickling down Tsukiko's face and she was hugging her brother Nichirin for dear life. "Rin, why do Asahi and mom fight so much? I just don't get it! Mom may be terrible, but she's our mom! And she doesn't have to be so mean to Asahi." Eleven year old Tsukiko rubbed her head and buried her head in her brother's side. Asahi was so brave to stand up to their drunken mother, but it did no good.

"I don't know, Zuki, but everything will be okay." Rin always said that, and it was usually true, but she had a bad feeling about that particular fight.

"You and your siblings are Lunatics! Why the hell did I want you?" Tsukiko's mother screamed like she was in physical pain.

"Fuck you, Mom. You're a drunk bitch that can't even take care of her own children. If we didn't go to Dad's every other weekend, we'd be dead!" Asahi shot back.

Why were they so angry and mean? She didn't want to see them fight. She stepped forward to grab their hands to pull them apart, and instead of ignoring her or moving back, they screamed and fell to the ground unconscious. It was only a few seconds before she knew they were dead.


"Yonaga, why won't you say anything?" Asked one student in Tsukiko's eight grade math class. She just stared blankly forward. Why did they care? "If the only thing you remember from two of your family members' death was loud and filled with screams, you wouldn't want to be talking. It would just feed the fire."

What was with everyone in the world? God, people were obnoxious. Tsukiko buried her face in her very oversized black ombre hoodie, pretending it was Nichirin.


So hi! It's me again. I'm one of a group of four peeps that make books together. This one is my very own! I drink in votes like they're coffee and mango tea, so keep 'em coming! I'm counting on you. Future chapters will be much longer. Promise! ~Rose

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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