16: The Second Task

Start from the beginning

And of course, Fred.

There hadn't been an almost-kiss since the Hogsmeade date, which was rather unfortunate in Madeline's opinion. They'd shared few lunches and study dates together, and had occasionally brushed hands on the way out of the Great Hall, but had yet to make good on their promises on chess and flying.

But... She really liked the boy. Like, really liked him. She liked the person she was around him; carefree and fun, something that a lot of Slytherins didn't particularly partake in.

"You're brooding out loud again," Daphne pointed out, shaking Madeline out of her thoughts, "Come on, stop daydreaming about the ginger."

"I am not daydreaming," Madeline protested, pulling her wand out of her robes and flourishing it over the parchments, "See? I'm studying."

"Bloody hell Bisset, you have a weird wand," Terence whistled with wide eyes.

"I do not!" Madeline protested.

"You really do," Daphne agreed, staring at it curiously, "What is it anyway?"

"Hickory," Madeline answered instantly, "And a bloodwood handle."

"How elegant," Daphne drawled mockingly.

Madeline looked down at her wand. To be fair, it wasn't exactly the classical design most of her peers had. While their wands were sleek and polished, Madeline's twisted around itself slightly, the knots in the hickory having created small holes in the main body of the wand (which didn't affect her spells at all, thank you very much). The handle of the wand was made of deep bloodwood, a simple cylindrical design.

It had been made by the same wand maker that had made all the Bisset wands for generations. The core of her wand, however, had been the same as her fathers; dragon heartstring, a curiosity her mother had found rather fascinating.

"You are just like your father," she had mused fondly when Madeline had gotten her wand.

"So, the second task is tomorrow," Daphne began, closing her textbook with a definitive thud and interrupting Madeline's thoughts once more, "Do you know anything about it?"

"And why would I?" Madeline asked in confusion.

"Because you're friends with three out of four champions," Daphne pointed out, "So; any intel?"

"Nope," Madeline sighed, leaning back into her chair, "Nothing."


"Last I heard, they're all too busy still trying to figure out the egg," Madeline shrugged, "I'm pretty sure Fleur figured it out, but they're not allowed to tell me any details."

"Well, that's boring," Daphne scoffed, crossing her arms, "And here we are, the commoners, left to wait until tomorrow-"

"Woe is you," Theo teased, rolling his eyes.

"They're bound to make this one harder than the dragons," Daphne mused, ignoring Theo's remark. She turned to Terence, "What's scarier than a dragon?"

"Snape smiling," Terence nodded decisively.

Madeline scoffed playfully, "So the second task is to make Snape laugh?"

"Impossible," Theo nodded along, the small group chuckling.

Madeline sighed, looking out of the window and into the depths of the lake, "I do hope they don't make us sit outside. It's freezing."

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