A Friend?

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      Sam looked around her. All she saw was yellow wallpaper and dirty old carpet. She looked up and saw dim lights making a buzzing sound. The place looked oddly familiar, but she knew she never saw it before. She couldn't stay there forever, she had to find the way out of there. She kept on walking around the place for about five minutes, everything looked the same. Only variety was an outlet every once in a while on the wall. Too bad she didn't have a phone with her.

She felt like she had been walking for at least half an hour. Had she gone insane? She was just in her house, how could it be possible for her to end up there. Then she saw something in the distance. It was blue and looked like a water bottle. She picked it up off the ground wondering what it was. She twisted the cap and saw a liquid inside, it smelling of almonds. She thought it was almond milk but it was more like a water.

Putting it in her pocket, she continued on her journey. At least now she had something to drink, but she wasn't thirsty at the moment. But just barely Sam heard scattering, like some sort of animal. It must be her imagination, right? All of this has to be her imagination. Maybe she somehow fainted at her house, and now her dad is getting her help. Probably soon she would just wake up and be okay. But how could that be the case? Everything felt so real.

Samantha's mind continued to wonder. She was thinking so much she didn't realize the scattering was getting closer and closer. Soon enough she stopped dead in her tracks, she saw some sort of creature. It was small, appeared to be made of cloth. It looked a lot like a Raggedy Ann doll, and it had blonde hair. It noticed her presence, and seemed to clear its voice. "Hi!" it said in a nice tone "I'm Dollface, it's nice to meet you!"

She got scared, without thinking she tossed the bottle at the entity, but it only landed in front of it. The creature known as 'Dollface' started to walk towards the bottle. It picked it up and replied "Thank you!" Sam started to back away slowly, maybe she doesn't need a drink at all! But the creature walked closer. She decided to turn to another direction, but it just followed. Guess she had a new friend with her.

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