Twenty-Seven - School Festival 🍋(ish)

Start from the beginning

The class was dead silent.

"A... Surfing booth?" Sero asked after a few moments. "In October... Not near the ocean."


"Hhhhhow, exactly?" Ashido piped in, her pink eyebrows furrowing to match her confusion.

"It'll be easy." Ren slipped the notepad Iida was holding from his hands, making his eye twitch a little that she didn't at least ask for it, and clicked her pen. "We'll get Cementoss to make us a pool or something wherever we're located." She drew a rectangle on the page. "Todoroki can fill it with ice and then we'll melt it. Then I can use my quirk to manipulate the water while you guys manage crowd control, safety, teaching people how to surf. Whatever." Ren scribbled along as she explained her ideas.

"You're the only one who knows how to surf properly." Kirishima noted while scratching his head. "I know you showed some of us in Okinawa but none of us are pros like you and how can you teach and control the water at the same time?"

"I'll just have to teach you guys a little more." Ren smirked and folded her arms.

"Won't people get cold?" Yaoyorozu asked as she peered down at the paged, rubbing her chin in thought.

"We could make the water warm." Ren turned to Todoroki who nodded quietly. "And maybe Todoroki can heat up people's towels." She chuckled at her lame joke, making Bakugo even more annoyed that she'd banter with that damn Icy-Hot Bastard.

"We could serve people hot chocolate!" Sato suggested. "We could do like a, tropical winter getaway theme!"

"Yeah!" Uraraka cheered and pumped her fist in the air. "Let people feel like they're on holiday in the middle of the fall semester!"

"Are we all happy with this idea?" Iida asked as he slid his notepad across the table and back into his hands. The class nodded. "Mr Aizawa?" Iida and the rest of the group turned to the sleeping yellow caterpillar leaning against the wall behind his desk.

He popped an eye open "I'm gonna say yes just so you guys can move on." He closed his eye again and the class whooped.


"SAWEET!" Ashido leapt up and pumped her fist into the air. "Let's do this you guys!"

And so began a wild week of pool schematics, surf instruction, a lot of hot chocolate testing and water manipulation until the morning of the School Festival finally arrived. By that morning Bakugo was undeniably livid. No one, except Kirishima, knew what had crawled up his ass but avoiding him was everybody's number one priority. He was constantly grinding his teeth, muttering under his breath and snapping at anyone who spared him a glance or breathed in his personal space.

He'd had goddamn enough of Ren's shitty attitude and constant ignorance of him. 'She better have a good fucking excuse or I'm gonna roast her ass.' He thought to himself as he decided that he'd be confronting Ren today, come hell or high water. Kirishima thrust the Hawaiian styled shirt Yaoyorozu had made for everyone into Bakugo's hands, breaking his thought process.

"I'm not wearing that." He muttered to his friend while he stared at the garish bright blue shirt with yellow and orange flowers printed all over it.

"Not this again." Kirishima rolled his eyes. "We got you in the orange uniform last year, I'm sure we can get you in this today."

The rest of the class was buzzing with excitement as they swapped their outfits for the multicoloured ensembles. There were four colour categories to show the teams for their booth; the red shirts with white and lime green flowers on were on Tropical Coconut Hot Chocolate duty, the yellow with blue and hot pink flowers were the surf instructors and water team, the blue with yellow and orange flowers were on warm up duty and the white with red and navy flowers were on crowd control and logistics.

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