Chapter 4 - Debut

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Izuku's POV
Finally! It's time for my debut! I put on my costume and climb to the roof of the warehouse. Good thing I picked this place as heroes don't usually patrol here. I jump from rooftop to rooftop until I heard a scream and I follow the sounds of the scream. I look down into an alleyway and see a boy about my age that looked like he hadn't slept in ages and another man who had a pistol pointed at him. He had a wolf-like tail and ears so it's a mutant type quirk. I jump in and left kick the guy on his face knocking him out. I tied him up with a black rope I had and went over to the kid. " Kid you ok?" "Yes I'm ok." Then I notice something. Scars and Bandages were littered all over his arms and face. "Mind telling me about your other injuries?" "Fine... Because of my quirk brainwashing which if someone answers my questions they will be in a trance and follow my commands but people think it's villainous..." "Kid listen to me. A quirk doesn't define a person, but themselves. And I think that quirk of yours is good for hero situations. You could stop a robbery, hostage and more situations just by talking! So I think you can be a great hero! Just don't relie on your quirk to much. Focus on hand to hand combat ok kid?" "O-ok" "For now call the police so they can arrest this guy." Then I plasted a sticky note on the criminals face and jumped back to the roofs to make sure I avoid the police. I heard police sirens as I disappeared into the night.

Shinsou's POV
I can't believe it. Someone said that I can be a hero. I call the police and they arrive. I was asked to go into the station for questioning. Then the Detective started asking me questions.
" What is your name?" "Shinsou Hitoshi" Truth
"What were you doing there?" "Well I tried to take a shortcut." Truth
"What did you see?" "Well I saw someone jump in and knock the guy out. He then stuck a sticky note on the mugger's forehead." Truth
"Alright thank you. That will be all." And then the detective left.

Detective Naomasa's POV
I left the kid and went to report that a new vigilante was here. I didn't know the name but I saw the sticky note on the forehead and I knew what the name of this vigilante is.

Dear Detective Naomasa,
I did you a favor. Here is a mugger that I knocked out. Your welcome
                                                    - Shadow

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