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(AN-contains curse words)

Cinder was mad.

No, she was furious.

How could he not see what was right in front of him?!

How could he be so oblivion?

Those thoughts were running through Cinder's mind as she and Kai were fighting. Again. There wasn't anything wrong with them. They were in a disagreement about their kids. Rose was already 12 years old, stars know how that happened so fast. And Rikan, their younger child, just had his 8th birthday.

Their fight was going on and on about how much tough they should be on their kids.

Honestly she was sick of this.

"Then what do you suggest? That we will just let them walk away like they did nothing wrong?!" Kai asked.

"Of corse not! I agree that they need boundaries, but not by punishments. We need to teach them what's good and what's not." Cinder said, feeling frustrated.

What was he, blind?

"That's not how education works. You have to let them learn by themselves!"

"Oh, don't you tell me how to educate my own kids!" She said.

What was wrong with him? Why couldn't he just try to think about her point?

"I'm not telling you how to do anything. But we can't be nice with them all the time!" He said.

Ugh, she wanted to slam his head to a table. Maybe then he'll start seeing thing more clearly.

"I know we can't always be nice. But we can't be all tough too."

"Well, why don't you just go try that and come back when you're done, okay?"

So yelling logic at him didn't work. She'll have to try something else.

"Why are you acting like this?" Cinder said, hoping it'll work and he won't just keep yelling.

"Like what?" Kai said.

At least he listened.

"Like everything is black and white." She said.

"I don't act like everything is black and white."

If this doesn't work, what will?

"Yes you are. Are you seriously that self absorbed?" Cinder said, annoyed by his behavior.

"I'm self absorbed?! Right. All I want is the best for my kids, our kids."

"Yes, I know they are our kids, but if your head wasn't so far up your ass, then maybe you would notice that they need love, affection, support, and, yes education. But not that way." She said.

Cinder was completely mad now, and it wasn't just about Kai not listening to her, she was mad at him.

"What do you mean not that way? How will they learn their lesson if we don't show them that their actions have consequences?" Kai said.

"There are a lot of ways for them to learn that their actions have consequences then this." Cinder said.

"And what exactly is so wrong with that one?" He asked, looking frustrated and mad.

"Everything." She said simply.

"Yeah, cause everything I say is wrong, right? And everything you say is pure and respectful." Kai said mockingly.

Oh, she was done. She was done with this conversation, and she was done with this fight.

"Look, I don't know what is wrong with you, but you need to pull your shit together. I don't know where you were the past week, but you need to put it all behind you and pay attention to what I say for once in your fucking life." Cinder said.

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