And…. And…

“Angel… love..” ARGH!! Saya tutup telinga saya… I’m hearing things! Ujian apakah ini?! Susah-susah saya move on selama 10 tahun…


Saya terasa rambut pendek saya dibelai lembut…

“what have you done to your hair?” akhirnya saya memandang ke arah sumber suara tersebut…

KURTIS…. KURTIS BESTIAN… my bestfriend’s brother… my first crush… my first love…

And he is topless! Sangat jelas dia tidak memakai seurat benang pun apabila kenampakkan dada dia yang tegap dan abs dia yang bermuscle…

Nasib the blanket covered him downwards…

Oh my god… is he naked down there?!

“what have you done to me, Kurtis?!” I became hysteric…

“I hate your clothes…” dia bilang…

“you have no right to hate what I wear…” saya berdesis…

“I do..” he said in his deep manly tone…

That aura of his… and his smell… has always been the same…

“no, you don’t…” I sighed heavily… “where am i?”

Saya sedar sudah saya bukan dalam bilik saya… i’m in a hotel room…

“where you should be…” ugh! Kenapa bah dia ni? 😠

“stop it!” saya cuba berdiri… Kurtis merangkul pinggang saya dan menindih saya…

DUBS DUBS DUBS jantung saya…

I looked up at him… 10 years made him more handsome, more attractive..

“let me go, Kurtis..” I said coldly…
“I did… 10 years ago…” he said softly… “that was my biggest regret..”

Saya terdiam membisu… saya memaksa menelan liur… getting words out of my mouth right now is a struggle…

“I have no regrets…” saya balas dia, kami bertatapan…

“you’re as beautiful as ever…” Kurtis mengusap pipi saya… cepat saya menepis tangan dia…

“get off me, Kurtis…” saya menolak dada dia…

Bukan pula dia melepaskan saya, tambah lagi dia menindih saya… Kurtis tunduk dan memaksa bibir dia ke atas bibir saya…

“mmm!” saya melawan…
“don’t fight me Angel…” suara garau dia memberi amaran…

“this is wrong! I don’t want you!” saya teriak… I can feel his hard erection on my tummy…

“it was only so wrong when you were 15…” he looked into my eyes and smiled.. “now you’re 25… a grown, beautiful woman…”

“I’m not a woman! I’m a…a …” apa saya mau cakap? Lesbian? Pengkid? 😳

Honestly, hanya penampilan dan gaya saya macam tomboy… tapi saya tidak pernah buat anything sexual sesama jenis…

“tomboy?” Kurtis menaikkan satu kudou… “I’ve burned the band, Angelarra Love… Ms. Ashburn…”

DUSH jantung saya! I hate it when someone say my full name outloud…

“ahhh! Get off me!” saya tolak dada dia semakin kuat… but he just won’t budge! Kuat juga ni orang! Oh kau lupa dia seorang mafia, Jelo?

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