Tarts and Roses (Riddle)

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Here we are starting with a small cute big brother Riddle! I'll try to keep reader gender neutral for these non requested one shots unless I have a specific story in mind! The reader is 5 in this story.
Lets get on with the show!


Who would have thought that the Riddle Rosehearts had a younger sibling? I can tell you no one did, well besides Trey of course. Small (y/n) Rosehearts had come to visit their big brother in NRC, with the headmasters permission of course. Now, they stood before the group of students at Heartslabyul who were preparing for their unbirthday party, asking for their older brother. 

(y/n) tightly held a red rose in their hands, thorns cut off for their safety, a nervous blush covered their round face as they looked at the orange haired boy in front of them. To Cater, it took all of his will power not to just pick up the child and go on a picture spree with them for magicam. "Do you need something, cutie?" he asks, kneeling down to their height. The kid used the rose to hide their face, shyly looking away as they reply, "I-I'm looking for my big brother.."  

The third year couldn't help but quietly coo at the child, they were just to cute for their own good! Actually, he couldn't help but feel reminded of someone, maybe he knew their brother. "What's your big brother's name?" he asks with a smile. (y/n) moved the rose away, answering with excitement, "Riddle nii-san!" With that answer Cater connected the dots,  that's why this kid looked familiar! While he had barely a reaction to this news, the two first years behind him on the other hand... well they entered a state of shock unlike no other. 

Ace looked absolutely horrified. Riddle??? Riddle was a big brother??? He seemed more like an only child in Ace's mind, to find out this small kid was his little sibling was such a shock to him. Meanwhile, Deuce was more in shock that this shy, innocent child seemed nothing like the dorm leader they knew. "There's no way!" Ace squat down next to (y/n) looking closely at them. This caused them to once again shy away, this boy seemed more aggressive than the one in front of them. 

Noticing (y/n) move back, Cater frowned at Ace like a disappointed parent , "Do you really have to be so loud?" Ace crossed his arms and huffs "Oh back off I didn't know the brat woul-"
"Who ya calling a brat, brat!" (Y/n) fumed, cheeks reddening with anger as they pointed their rose at Ace in such a demanding manner. Just this action alone made the thought of Riddle being the kids brother click perfectly into place. 

Before Ace had a chance to speak he was whacked in the face with a white rose pulled straight off the rose bush. "Ow! What the- you little-" Cater quickly scooped (y/n) into his arms and briskly walked away from the angry Ace. "Let's go find your brother, ah..uh-" "(Y/n)." "(y/n)!" 

Once inside the dorm building, Cater helped (y/n) search for their brother, occasionally getting a picture or two of the small child wandering around in amazement. Finally they reached the kitchen where he expected to find only Trey, thankfully, the person they were searching for was there as well. Back turned, Riddle was asking Trey about making tarts, not noticing the two come into the room. But, the moment little (y/n) saw him they let out the cutest happy squeal anyone has ever heard. "Nii-san!" leaping out of Cater's arms and charging right up to the dorm leader, who looked so shocked to see his younger sibling inside the kitchen of Heartslabyul. 

"(y/n)? What are you doing here?" Riddle asked, patting them on the top of their head. They look up and reach their little arms to be held by their brother, who grants their wish. "Mama dropped me off to say hello! The weird man with the bird mask said it was okay too!" They explain with a big grin. Cater made his way over to the two "This little rosebud showed up at the front of the school and smacked Ace with a rose!" he laughed, watching (y/n) cross their arms and pout "He called me a brat! It should be off with his head!" They exclaim, mimicking their brother. Riddle only sighed, smiling softly at them. 

Fixing his glasses, Trey smiled and held up a plate of tarts "Hey, (y/n) want a small tart?" Riddle shot him a look, knowing that eating a tart before the party was usually not allowed. But, the thought of turning little (y/n) down made him feel guilty so he said nothing in return. "Can I?! oh oh wait! Nii-san I have a present for you!" (y/n) held up the red rose they had been carrying with them everywhere, some how still in good condition. "For me? Thank you (y/n)! Can you help me put it in my hair?" He asks, taking on a softer demeanor than usual. The younger Rosehearts nodded so fast that all three students worried their head might just come off. Watching as (y/n) got rid of most of the stem, which Trey took and tossed away for them. The siblings shared a small laugh, (y/n) tucking the flower into Riddles hair. 

"Now wheres that tart?" They giggle and look at Trey who laughs and gives them one "careful not to make a mess now." (Y/n) gave the third year a big nod, before they started to carefully nibble at the tart. Cater has once again cooed for what seemed like the 30th time that day and snapped a picture of the siblings. "Hey, (y/n) wanna go paint some roses in the garden?" Riddle asks. Now disregarding the warning on making a mess, (y/n) just nodded, cheeks stuffed with the tart they were given. Carefully, they were set down on the ground, taking Riddle's hand in theirs as they head out to the garden together. 

--mini skip--

(y/n) sat on the ground, using a paint brush to paint the rose in their hands, Riddle by their side keeping an eye on them in case they get bored or tired. Just sitting in silence was enough for them, a peaceful content they enjoyed to have, especially away from the rules at home and the scoldings of their mother. Suddenly, (y/n) stopped painting and looked up at their brother. "Ne...Nii-san.." "yes (y/n)..?" "..I love you.." they spoke quietly, with a gentle smile, Riddle pulled them into his lap and gave them a hug "I love you too.."
"...can I have another tart?"
"sigh....just...wait until the Unbirthday party, rosebud."


I hope that was good?? I dunno, what do you guys think? I'm not good at judging myself. 

I thought it would be cute if Riddle was more on the soft side as an older brother, especially since they'd both be dealing with such a strict mother, he might have seen his younger sibling in need of a more gentle nature. That's just my thoughts though, let me know what you think!

Navi, out!

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