Chapter 13: Confessions

Start from the beginning

Jasmine was staring at him with wide eyes. All thoughts of Petunia's letter were gone as she learned that her cousin knew about what Sirius had been through. Jaz was a bit upset that her cousin never told her, especially after she told Lily about her feelings for the boy. Though, Jasmine understood why Lily never told her. She could see that Lily knew it wouldn't matter as much if it wasn't Sirius who told her about the abuse he suffered. But that didn't mean that Jasmine couldn't still be a bit mad at Lily.

Those thoughts were pushed aside as Sirius continued with his story. "After that moment with Lily, I realized that I needed to tell someone. So, soon after I ended up telling James everything. He was really pissed off that my parents would do such a thing. He even suggested that I don't go home and instead live with him, but I couldn't. You see, I had to try and protect my brother. I didn't entirely think that my parents would hit him, but if their focus were more on me, then maybe Regulus wouldn't be pushed further into the Dark Arts. I wanted to protect him from their influence, but I don't think I did the best job. I just wish I could have protected him more. And now that I don't live at home anymore, I feel so guilty for leaving him there with them. I never wanted it to end up like this, but it did, and now I can't do anything to change it."

Jasmine could relate to that guilt. She felt the same guilt about not doing enough for her mother. And she wanted to tell Sirius that much, but there was still one thing that he hadn't told her. "Um, Sirius," He looked up at her with his bloodshot eyes. "So, um, what happened when you went home after my birthday?"

Sirius flinched again. "Well, my parents didn't exactly know I left that day, which is why I arrived with James. I went with his parents to your house. Otherwise, I wouldn't have made it over. I had snuck out before anyone woke up. I had planned to sneak back in after everyone was asleep, but that part of the plan didn't happen.

"I had taken the Knight Bus home, but when I walked in my parents were waiting for me. Apparently, they had found out that I snuck out. Usually, they didn't check in on me, so I thought I would be safe. I don't know why they decided to check that day, but they did, and they found out I had snuck out again. When I saw them, I resigned myself to the beating I knew I would be getting, but instead of actually hitting me, my parents started to throw curses at me. And they weren't curses that would only harm me a little. These were really dangerous curses. They landed a few on my arms and such before I made a run for it to my room. I had to at least get some of my stuff. So, I hurriedly threw as much as I could into my school chest. Then I managed to drag it down the stairs and out the door. My parents managed to land several more curses. By the time I made it out of the house, I had several cuts that were bleeding. I didn't stop though. I had to get out of there before they tried to kill me or something. I managed to call the Knight Bus. Just as I got on the bus, I heard my mother disown me. I didn't care though. I was just glad to get out of there alive. I immediately went to James'. I knew he would be there for me. When I got there, I managed to knock on the door several times before passing out in front of the door. That is where James found me. Luckily, Mrs. Potter is talented with healing spells and fixed me up as best she could. Ever since then, I've been living here. I just wish that I hadn't left Regulus."

Jasmine looked at the boy beside her. He looked so broken. "I know how you feel Sirius," Jasmine mumbled quietly to herself, but it was loud enough that Sirius still heard it. This perked his attention.

"What?" That was all Sirius managed to get out. He wanted to say more, but he didn't think they were all that nice. He knew the girl would understand, but how could she possibly understand how he guilty he felt about leaving his brother alone in that environment.

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