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"I hate this!" I grumbled not enjoying the fitted shirt that was showing my curves. The leggings I could handle but my boobs were too damn big on this ugly ass shirt. "Billie we all hate it, just come out." Dani said from the other side. I groaned again walking out from behind the divider and avoiding the other girls eyes. I felt stupid as hell. I sighed when I didn't get a reaction from Dani, but a stare. "I know my tiddies look bigger than they appear." I half joked. "I wasn't even going to say that." Dani responded with a small smile. I shrugged trying to hide my embarrassment. "Man, what will happen if I take this off and put back my other clothes? What will he do?" I asked suddenly. Dani froze and stammered trying to find her words. "Ah geez, Billie you-" "Billie! Come here and help me in the kitchen!" Anne yelled from across the room. I looked over at Dani who was lost in thought, not even looking at me anymore. Maybe I shouldn't have have asked. I frowned and turned and walked over to where Anne stood tidying up things.

"What's up?" I asked casually watching her rummage through plates. "I just wanted to help you get through this a little easier so if you had any questions you could ask me. I've been here the longest so I know my way around the ropes." She turned with a smile that I knew all too well was broken.

"Are we in a sex ring?" I asked without thought and focusing on the way her eyes shifted with the uncomfortable question. "No, we are not. Father only wants us to pretend we are his daughters." I sighed thankful I got that question out the way. "Okay but why? Why us? We are clearly not little girls. Not saying he should have taken little girls, but you know." I implied hoping she'd get what I meant. Anne shrugged holding several childish plates in her arms and handing them to me which I took. "He never said, and he will not answer. Go set the table, please." I sighed in annoyance and walked over to a circle table with a pink cloth already over it. There were 5 chairs so I put the plates in front of each one. I picked one back up in my hands and inspected it. Plastic. Dora's character was on it looking happy as ever. Damn I want whatever that bitch has.

I threw the plate back down not even caring it was placed uneven. It was the last of my concerns. I walked back over to Anne who was taking out silverware and handing them to me as well. "Be honest with me dude, what kind of fucked up shit has this man been through that he has to take us from our families? This is beyond fucked up if i'm honest." I saw the way Anne twitched uncomfortable again with my questions. "Billie, I really don't know, father doesn't speak on that. Please set the silverware." I groaned loudly and out of an anger outburst, I threw the forks and spoons at the table hearing how the loud clanks seemed to circle around the whole room. I'd gotten her attention, as well as the other girls who jumped at the suddenness.

Anne turned around with a disapproving look but otherwise giving me her full attention. I don't know where this anger came from, and I don't know why i'm taking it out on her but i'm in a room full of people I don't know. She's telling me all these things and I can't comprehend it, I don't even believe it. I wanted to cry but I kept my hard gaze. I wasn't going to cry again in front of these people. "That man." I started pointed towards the door for emphasis. "Is NOT my father. Quit fucking saying that! He's a sick fucking man stealing girls to fill his sick heart! How do you just allow this? Have you ever thought of ganging up on him?!"

"Billie please-"

"So what? The police just gave up? Are you guys just another lost person? I refuse to be another lost person! I'm not staying here, goddamn it, I'm not!"

"Billie shut the hell up a seco-"

"No! Why?! Why should I shut up? Why should I even consider getting used to this? Showing me the ropes? Why?! You act like you want this! Don't you want to leave?"

"ENOUGH!" Anne screamed her hands tangling through her hair and pulling on it harshly. The girl started pacing mumbling to herself and for a minute I felt bad throwing it all on her. "Anne, I'm sorry." I immediately apologized growing more concerned but the girl continued mumbling before finally facing me. I glanced over and saw Dani and Lia watching our interaction both with terrified looks.

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