Chapter 2

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Sam's POV:

So, Dean has a baby. That means I'm an uncle! My niece is so god damn adorable, have you seen her? I got a feeling that, that little girl asleep in my brothers arms in the luckiest girl in the whole world. All last night I don't think I've seen Dean with so much love and ashtoinsement in his eyes. That little girl definetly changes his life, for the better. He finally has something to live for, his life has purpose. I know it's not going to be easy for him, trying to raise a baby while hunting, maybe I can convince him to take some time off and start a normal life with his daughter, buy a nice house, send her to school, marry a nice women. Live a little.

"Hey Sammy." I hear Dean call.


"We need to go shopping, for the little munchkin." He says, not taking his eyes off the sleeping enfant across the room.

"You wanna go now?" I ask. He nods. He gets baby Hope ready and we leave. I know her name is Channing, but we call her hope too , cause she brought us hope. Maybe when's she older well call her Chan or Channing, but for now it's Hope.

"Yeah. Just let me get the kid ready and we'll go." Dean said. I nodded. Then he went to the carrier on the floor and picked up a smiling baby.

Deans POV:

I went over to get Hope ready because we're going baby shopping today. I got to her carrier and when she saw me she looked up at me with the biggest smile possible. How is it that I can fall in love someone so instantly? I can't imagine life without my baby girl now even though I've only had her not even a day. I pick her up, change er diaper, dress her in a cute little top that says 'I love my daddy' and a matching pair of little black jeans. She looked adorable. I pick up my little month old baby and put her back in her carrier and we all head out of the motel room and down the road to the nearest store that sells baby items.

10 mins later!!

Third Person POV:

Dean and Sam walk into the store, baby in tow. Dean grabs a cart and places the baby carrier securely on the top and he pushes it behind Sam.

"Sam do you even know what your doing?" Deans questions.

"Not really. But I know babies need a crib, car seat, bassinet, play pin, clothes, formula, milk." Sam listed. Dean started to laugh.

"I know the basics Dean. Also a bath tub and diapers."

"Ugh! Diapers!!", Dean made a disgusted face, "can't we just potty train her?"

"Dean, she's a month old. You got at least another two years before she's potty trained.

"I know, sammy, I'm joking."

"Dean, we need to talk about something really important."

"What's that sammy?"

"What are you going to do?"

"You already know what I'm doing, sam. I'm keeping her and raising her."

"Yes, Dean, I know that. But where to? Are you planning to raise her into this hunting life?"

"I haven't really thought about it."

"Dean maybe you should retire until Hope's older and then semi retire and causal hunt things in your area and then you and Hope can have a glimpse of a normal life. And me, I'll keep hunting and come down with you to help out every so often. So, you quit hunting, raise that baby right, get a good job, hunt in your area and osscasianlly, get a nice house, and promise me Dean do not raise that baby into this world. Tell her about it when she's older, but do not force into it, let her make her own decision. Promise me, Dean."

"I promise, sammy."

"I'm serious."

"So am I. I was thinking of crashing at Bobby's for a while until I save up enough money to get a nice place. Well wrap up this case and I'll hang it up and leave it all behind."

The baby looked up at her father and smiled at him. He knew even by giving up the one thing that gave his life purpose he had a job even more important. He had to be a father. And in Deans mind that was the best thing that could have ever happened to him.

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