Theory Time- Neon J x NSRTherorist! Reader

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Type: Fluff

Requested by: anonboi3000

And now, onto the oneshot.

(Y/N)= Your Name

(E/C)= Eye Color

(H/C)= Hair Color

(F/N)= Friends Name

(F/C)= Favorite Color

(F/I)= Favorite Instrument

It was just another regular day in Vinyl City, as the citizens that resided there went happily along their business. The music played while powering up the city, especially with even more power after the events of the music revolution, allowing all artists to perform in Vinyl City and their titles of fame and glory.

In a particular area of Vinyl City, specifically in the Metro Division district, Neon J was sitting in his office at the Baracca Mansion, currently doing some boring paperwork while his 5 troops/sons were doing their own thing. While he was doing his paperwork, the cyborg happened to receive an email from (F/N), a coworker of his that recently became the new NSR artist, containing a message along with a video link. Curious, Neon J opened the email and read the message.

"Hello Neon J,

My good friend (Y/N) has a MeTube channel, and you may known them as the infamous NSR Theorist. Their recent video was talking about some conspiracy theories involving you and your past, and it's becoming the most popular video on their channel. I figured you wanted to look for yourself :)


"A theorist huh?" Neon J muttered to himself as he clicked on the video link, "I might as well be the judge of that." The link took Neon J to the MeTube video in particular, which began to play.

"Hello everyone!" (Y/N) spoke, having (H/C) locks, (E/C) eyes, and wearing a (F/C) shirt with jeans appeared on the screen as they were sitting in their studio chair, "My name's (Y/N), and today I bring you a theory video!" Neon J looked at the person with intrest, wondering why they had decided to have a channel devoted to theories about NSR. "They are pretty cute I will say..." Neon J thought before realizing and started to blush, nearly causing a circuit to overheat before he shook it off. The cyborg continued to to watch the video, as (Y/N) began to talk about the theories surrounding him and his past military days.

"A lot of you guys have been asking me to theorize on the past of a certain band manager," (Y/N) spoke as some comments appeared on their video, "And that is none other than Neon J, the military veteran manager of the famous 1010 boy band. As we all may or may not know, Neon J served in the war as a soldier, but I'm sure we're all curious as to what his life was before that." Neon J was now intrested at what (Y/N) was saying, and in all honesty he was captivated by their voice.

"So I did some research, and what I found should help support the theory I came up with," (Y/N) said with excitement in their voice, catching Neon J's attention, "Looking at what I found in some books, maps, and online articles, I was able to find and pinpoint the hometown Neon J grew up in." (Y/N) proceeded to pull up a map onto the screen and pointed at the location, catching Neon J off guard as (Y/N) had gotten the exact location right. "They definitely did their research for this one." Neon J said to himself, continuing to watch as (Y/N) put the map away. "If you notice on the map of Neon J's hometown, there's a shop that stands out, and it's this workshop connected to a small toy shop in particular." (Y/N) said as they pulled up the picture, "And this points to Neon J practically living there and working in the workshop, creating toys for the town's children before being called to serve in the war, and afterwards create the famous 1010 boy band we all know and love."

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