The Move

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Bill and Will are now on Earth. It was orginally just Bill, but Will packed and followed. But, they were put in different spots. Bill was dropped in Englewood, Chicago, not to his surprise. On the other hand, Will was dropped in Nevada. Bill and Will are both alone. Bill starts walking around. He eventually gets tired and sits on the sidewalk. Just as he sits down, he hears gunshots nearby. Bill runs into an alleyway to hide. He went into a panic attack because of the gunshots. He hyperventilates and tries to calm down, which he eventually does. He was scared for his life. As night came around, he tried to get to a new spot. It didn't take long before he heard more gunshots. He went into a different alleyway to hide. He tried to relax, but it was no use. He tried falling asleep, and he eventually did. He began having another nightmare with his dad in it. The same thing as usual happened, the people he loved got killed, he gets told that they hate him or will hate him, and then he nearly dies. He woke up the next morning hyperventilating. Paniced, he grabbed his backpack and started running as fast as he could. He wanted to go west, so he tried to. Little did he know, the more west he went, the more dangerous neighborhoods he would come across. It took him a week to get through. On the way, he nearly got shot in the leg twice and 3 times he nearly got shot in the head. After that week, he got completely through Chicago. Then it took him months to get out of Illinois and to Missouri. He got in Missouri, went into an alleyway, and collapsed on the ground from the months of running without a break. He was exhausted, and so was his body. He drank some water he had with him. He was just laying on the ground, getting the rest his body needed so badly. He felt himself slowly loose consciousness. He tried to stay awake, but he passed out on the ground. Hours later, he wakes up. He continues to lay on the ground for hours. At that point, he was unsure of everything. He was unsure if he was even gonna live much longer, he was unsure if he would ever find a permanent living situation, and he was unsure if he would ever see his brother again. But he knew he wouldn't know anything unless he tries to do something. The hours turn into a whole day. He wakes up the next morning, grabs his bags, and starts moving again. He tried going to some stranger's homes, trying to have somewhere to stay at night. But every single time he tried, he would get kicked to the sidewalk. He eventually gives up and decides to keep going until he dies. He didn't think he was going to find any type of living situation, so he wants to walk until he can't walk anymore. More months pass as he continues to cross the country. He made it to Kansas. He then stops in the middle of nowhere to rest. He lays on the ground and falls asleep. He has another nightmare and wakes up only two hours later. His dad continued to haunt his dreams. He decided to continue moving. Over time, he continues to push his body to keep moving. Even when he needs rest, he keeps moving. While he was going, his phone died. He now has no sense of direction. He no longer knows where to go. Due to that, instead of going west, he ended up going more south. Months pass, and he ends up in Oklahoma. His body can't continue without rest, so he collapsed on the sidewalk. His body was sore, pain all over. He felt weaker and weaker by the day due to him already eating all of his food and having no drink available because he drank all of his water and had no money to buy a drink or any food. Little did he know, he stopped in a bad part of Oklahoma. He stopped in a part of the United States, the part is called Tornado Alley. Hours after he stopped, there was already a tornado coming. He heard the siren and crawled to an alleyway, hoping he would be safe. Thirty minutes pass, a random stranger sees him and walks over to him.

"Hey, are you okay?" The stranger asked Bill.

"Y-yeah I'm fine. D-don't worry about me." Bill responded, seeming quite shaky and scared.

"C'mon, you need somewhere to stay for the tornado. Follow me." The stranger said to Bill.

The stranger helped Bill up and helped him to his house. He let Bill sit on the couch to rest his body.

"T-thanks for that. My name's Bill." Bill told him.

"No problem, I'm Blake.

Bill stays there overnight. When the next morning came, Bill was getting ready to leave.

"You sure you don't wanna stay here?" Blake asked.

"I'm sure, but thanks. Bill responded.

"Okay, heres my phone number. If you need something, or someone to talk to, just call or text me. Blake said, giving Bill the number.

"Okay, thanks Blake." Bill said with a soft smile on his face.

Bill and Blake said their goodbyes and Bill left. He continued his journey across. It has nearly been a year since he got kicked out. After some more months of travelling, he spent his 17th birthday moving. He stopped and lays on the ground in Texas. Blake texted him that he has to go to Los Angeles, and asked if Bill wanted to go. Bill told him yes. Three hours pass, and Blake arrives to pick Bill up. They talk and laugh while Blake drives. Ten hours of sleep stops and driving later, they get to Los Angeles. Blake offered to take him back to his house after, but Bill refused. Bill spent the rest of the day travelling. Night came and Bill lays on the sidewalk. He falls asleep, just to have another nightmare. His dad was there again, saying that nobody will ever love him. Then his dad started to kill Will. Bill tried to save him, but the process sped up as he got closer. Then he killed Skara. But something was different about this one. This time, Blake was there. As he fell from a high place, Bill tried to save him. He was too late. Then Bill started to fall from a high place. Just as Bill hit the ground, he woke up and has a panic attack. He gets up and starts moving again. He trips and sits on the ground. He began to silently cry to himself. Another stranger came up to him, and sat next to him to talk.

"Hey, are you alright?"

Bill shakes his head no. The stranger helped him up and into his car. They sat in the stationairy car. They talked, and talked.

"I'm Bobby, well you could call me other names."

Bill recognized the voice.

"L-Logic? Is that you?" Bill looked up at him.

"Yes it is."

"My name's Bill. I can't believe I'm meeting you." Bill said happily.

They went to his house and chilled there. He played some of his music. Bill complimented his beats and offered to make some. Two hours pass, Bill is making some beats for his last album. Bobby is loving the beats and decides to use them. The rest of the day was spent in Bobby's recording studio. Bill even recorded some verses for Bobby, but decided to let them go unreleased. The next day, Bill left. As Bill moved north, it got colder. It was beginning of Spring. He got to Piedmont, and stopped. He lays on the ground, shivering. He wanted to sleep, and he tried. He couldn't sleep. While he lays on the ground, two people walk up to him. One was a brown haired boy, and the other was a girl with the same hair color. They walk him to their house to warm up.

"You shouldn't have been out there, its really cold out there." The boy said.

"I-I didn't have a choice." Bill said, slowly warming up.

"Well, I'm Dipper, thats my sister Mabel." Dipper pointed to himself and Mabel.

"Hey, I'm Bill."

"Wait, Bill Cipher? I thought we defeated you." Mabel said.

"Yeah, thats my name. But that was my dad who you defeated. I'm different from him."

They decided to trust him. He stayed with them for a few nights. But the last night, he had another nightmare. Same type as last time, but slightly different. Mabel and Dipper were in it. Bill woke up hyperventilating. He packed his things, and got ready to leave. He told them goodbye, and then left. He spent the rest of the spring travelling. By the start of summer, he got to Portland, Oregon. He began to feel exhausted, but kept on going. Dipper and Mabel were already in Gravity Falls. Two weeks pass, and Bill is in Gravity Falls. He comes through the forest, and collapsed on the ground in front of the Mystery Shack.

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