Stevie lets her eyes wander to the three newcomers, watching as Fred speaks to Madame Rosemerta, turning to lean against the bar once he's given her his order and when he catches her gaze, he smiles and waves.

She feels her face heating up. Why? She doesn't quite know but she raises a hand to wave back, feeling Ribh accusing stare when she finally looks back at her friends, "What?"

"Why did you do that? Now they're going to come over!"

Kaye frowns, "What's so bad about that?"

"We haven't exactly had the chance to have time with just the three of us, have we? Between homework and well, them, we haven't really had much time to talk!"

That was somewhat true. The Weasley twins had suddenly become almost constants in her life. They'd wave at her in corridors (or shout if she was too far away) and always take the time to talk to her at either breakfast, lunch or dinner.

And honestly, Stevie didn't mind it. They were hilarious and smarter than people realised and sometimes, it was nice to talk to someone who wasn't Ribh or Kaye.

"They're going to come over here, aren't they?" Ribh asks but to her relief -and Stevie's slight disappointment- Fred gathers the drinks and the three of them make their way to another table on the opposite side of the room.

She really didn't like that disappointment.


The Halloween feast had been as incredible as it always was and Stevie helped herself to all the delights foods that were on offer.

When the feast came to an end, she and Ribh decided to retire to the common room, following a couple of burly looking fourth-years through the door once they'd gotten the riddle right but they needn't have bothered because just as the pair of them had gotten comfortable by the fire, Professor Flitwick came rushing into the common room, demanding that they all make their way back down to the Great Hall at once.

The two friends share confused looks before doing as their Head of House says, shuffling their way back down the hundreds of stairs.

They follow the Hufflepuffs into the hall, growing more confused when they see that the other two houses are already stood huddled together.

"The teachers and I have to perform a fulls search of the castle," Dumbledore says from where he's stood at the front of the hall, "I'm afraid that, for your own safety, you must spend the night in here."

Immediately, there's a tidal wave of whispers and Ribh looks at her worriedly. 

"I want the Prefects to stand guard over the entrances to the hall and I am leaving the Head Boy and Girl in charge. Should there be any disturbances, they will be reported to me immediately."

Stevie frowns as her friend follows the rest of the Prefects from the hall, barely noticing when Professor Dumbledore moves the four house tables with a wave of his wand - she's too busy searching for Kaye.

She's stood near the edge of the hall, with some of her fellow Gryffindors and Stevie makes her way toward her, stepping over the bright purple sleeping bags that had appeared all over the floor.

"Stevie," she greets quietly when she reaches her and immediately, she notices pale she is.
"Hey, what's going on? Are you alright?"

"We've had a bit of a scare," she jumps when one of the twins speak right by her ear and he dodges her arm when she reaches out to smack him.

"What do you mean?"

"Sirius Black," Kaye's voice is almost a whisper, "He tried to get into the tower."

"Gryffindor tower?" Stevie asks, eyes wide and she nods.

"Oh, Stevie, you should have seen the Fat Lady's portrait. It was, George, tell her-"

"Alright, Silverton," George says softly, wrapping a comforting arm around her shoulder, "Come on, let's get some sleeping bags."

Stevie watches them go and turns to Fred, giving him what she hopes is a smile that doesn't show just how freaked out she is.

"I doubt that he's still here, y'know," he says, letting her know that he's not buying it.

"You think?"

He nods, "He'd be an idiot, wouldn't you think? All those teachers looking for him, the Dementors on the grounds-"

"How'd did he do it again?" Stevie wishes that her voice wasn't trembling but she didn't bother trying to hide how scared she was now. There was no point, "How did he get past them again, Fred?"

Fred frowns, he's never seen her this fearful before and he puts a reassuring hand on her arm, "I don't know how he did it, love. But come on, let's find a sleeping bag for you. You can sleep beside us."

It takes Stevie a while to fall asleep - every time someone moved in their sleeping bags or if a teacher came in to check that everything was alright, she jumped, thinking that Sirius Black was coming back to finish what he started.

Eventually though, she drifted to sleep, turned on her side where she had been talking quietly to Kaye when Percy Weasley or the Head Girl weren't hovering over them. But because she was facing away from Fred, she didn't see nor realise that he stayed awake the whole night. 

Why did he do that? He doesn't quite know. He just wanted to make sure that she was alright.

Rebel Rebel (A Fred Weasley fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now