steam train.

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Her voice rang through my head.

"Fat little girl. What a whore." "Crucio"

I couldn't stand nervousness. She always told me it was a sign of weakness, that purebloods like me shouldn't show. The things she'd say about my father came to mind too, the awful things she said about him, how he was a 'disgrace to the magical world.'

He pulled a save this year by transferring me to Hogwarts to 'protect me from Bart.' The letter said he thought he was on his way to France to attempt to recruit me as a death eater and that Hogwarts was 'untouchable'. Alright father. Good one. He thinks he's after me to pry him away from my father, as if we are best friends. I literally haven't seen him or been to the house in a year.

The train station was busy, and the train almost glowed. I had to wait for my father before I got on the train- he had some sort of 'important message'. That train of thought came to a halt when a couple of taps on my shoulder inclined me to turn around, met by the face on the MoM.

"Audrey, darling?" He said, smiling. I loved my father, and I could sense he had a liking towards me and Barty when we were together, but I think he only had us because mother wanted to. He wasn't very family-orientated when we were younger and Bart hated him for it. We would spend nights in our library, and Barty would only rant about father's antics.

"Hello, Father" I said, as he kissed the top of my head, patting my black hair as if I were a dog on the street. "You said in the letter that you had a message?" I asked. Honestly, it seems weird but I really didn't know how to behave around him- he was a very unpredictable character.

"Yes, dear. I need you to give this to Albus," He handed me a letter, with no ministry stamps on it. Weird. "and i wanted to see you before you left. I trust you have everything? Do you have a wand? An Owl?" He asked, worriedly. Due to the time he hasn't invested in me, he didn't know that I've had a wand, owl, books and have studied the same courses for years.

"I do, I should get on the train now." People were starting to notice that the Minister of Magic was lingering on platform nine and three quarters, which made my nerves tetchier.

"Okay, Audrey. You'll make a lovely Ravenclaw" He said, as I smiled tightly. He wanted me to be in Ravenclaw like him, or just not in Slytherin in general. Barty was in Slytherin, and my father always thought he was too much of a traditionalist for his own good, but he never watched him, my mother used to say. I turned away, making my way to the train with my bags.

The inside was lovely. The compartments had comfy seats in them, with large windows. I had found an empty one and sat inside, collecting a book from my bag. Even though it's September, Scrooge's adventure didn't deter me from reading my favourite, however my peace was soon disrupted. The door slid open, revealing a boy with raven hair, circular glasses with, might I add, the thinnest silver trims and a scar peeping through his hair. Father told me about Potter, and that he was admired by Albus for his bravery in previous years, when something seemed to go wrong every year for some strange reason that good old Barty Sr could never explain.

"Hi, there aren't any um other compartments, so do you mind if we join you?" He stuttered slightly. He was followed by a girl with wavy blonde-brown hair and a red head- must be one of Arthur's. I nodded and smiled, and they came in. He sat next to me and the other two opposite. "I'm Harry, by the way. Harry Potter. This is Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger." He said, shaking my hand. The other two greeted me as i spoke up.

"I'm Audrey Crouch. Its very nice to meet you all. I've just transferred from Beauxbatons in France." I smile, as Ron looks at me with his mouth agape.

Fucking Eek. First Chapter done. Short, but whatever lmaoo. agagag. hope everyone enjoys the bewk.

730 words

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