Start from the beginning

     She had made sure that everyone was busy before she had come visiting the cemetery. Julie knew that Ashley did this, so the blonde didn't have to be anxious about telling Julie her plans and the girl had promised to keep Luke, Alex and Reggie out of the way in the studio for as long as she needed them to be.

Ashley thought she had all day.

     But within the moments where Ashley's emotions had taken over and her phone - and the texts which were pinging through to her iMessage at a mile a minute - long forgotten, Ashley didn't realise what was coming for her.


Ash Attack.

I don't mean to be that person
but pls text me back when you can

Alex is COMING.

He wanted to know where you were
and I didn't know what to tell him

And he just poofed out to come to you



I'm sorry :(

     All the texts had been from Julie but Ashley had missed them all.

     After missing every single one of Julie's panicked text messages, it wasn't surprising that Ashley was startled, more so then she usually was, when she heard a whooshing from beside her and she felt something collide with her shoulder as they fell into place beside her. The body let out a disgruntled groan.

     Ashley didn't even have time to let out a panicked yelp.

     "Ashley!" It was Alex, curled up almost in a ball beside his little sister, his ghost teleportation powers not quite working as they usually did on that day. "Where've you been? The studio is super quiet without you, I mean-"

     Alex paused, seeing the look of panic cross his sisters face. It was then he seemed to take notice of where they were, lifting his eyes to look around at the patch of land that Ashley had been sitting in, previously all on her own.

Ashley puffed out a trembled sigh, not long having finished crying, and felt more tears bubble as Alex's face slowly dipped from a grin to a frown.

     There had been a reason she had kept this from him. She knew it would probably upset him, maybe even frighten him in some way, and Ashley wouldn't have known how to explain any of it to him or explain why she was there because sometimes, she didn't have a reason. She was just there because she wanted to be.

     Ashley watched as her big brother processed where he was, his eyes floating across the headstones littered across the grass in small intervals. The blonde could see her brother not daring to look in front of him, having figured out why Ashley was sitting alone on the floor, but his curiosity got the best of him as his eyes slowly floated across to the headstone Ashley was sitting in front of.

     "I-" Alex's voice became choked, suddenly speechless. "Ashley-"

     The girl couldn't help but notice he sounded guilty.

     "You shouldn't be here." Ashley tried her best not to make her voice come out bitter. It was at this moment that she lifted her phone up from where it had been lying face-down in the grass to see Julie's warning texts. The blonde sighed.

FAR FROM NORMAL ── REGGIE PETERSWhere stories live. Discover now