Lily mumbled something under her breath.

"Sorry, I didn't catch that," Kelsey replied.

"Books, hair gel, and Quidditch supplies! There! Happy?!" Lily exclaimed and stormed over to their table. She grabbed her belongings and rushed out, red in the face.

"Did she just-?" Potter sounded stunned.

"Come on. Padfoot must be waiting," Lupin dragged Potter out the door.

"Do you think we should go too?" Astrid wondered as they too exited the class now, watching the boys break into a sprint.

"Well, I, for one am," Dorcas announced out of nowhere passing them by.

"Hear that Tatty? She's got it covered," Kelsey grunted. She made for the other way but Astrid stopped her with a look. Complaining under her breath she joined Astrid as they followed Dorcas and the boys.


Ten minutes after rushing out of the class, Sirius found himself dramatically throwing open the doors to the Wing.

"Help!" he dramatically clutched his chest.

Poppy exited her office at the back to see the boy rushing over with concern on her face.

"What happened?" she asked, sitting down next to him as he threw himself on an empty bed. He looked physically fine, unlike the other times he'd show up.

"I've been poisoned! Bewitched! Cursed!" he cried.

"Excuse me?" she looked shocked. With a frustrated groan, he started unbuttoning his shirt muttering 'I'm sure you'll find the symptoms lurking' under his breath.

"Please stop!" she physically restrained him. "Now," she eyed him calmly. "Tell me what's wrong?"

"I don't feel good," he began.

"Mister Black I can't help you if you don't elaborate."

"My heart- i-it hurts when I'm near her! It does this thumping thing and I'm sure I'll be getting a heart attack anytime now. She's had it out for me this year. And then she smiles at me and it bursts. My stomach feels funny too! I just know that she is poisoning my food. To top it off, I am convinced she is messing with my school work too- I smelled her during Potions! She-she's a witch!" he gushed on.

Uncharacteristically, the nurse threw her head back and laughed. Sirius was stupefied. He could actually see tears streaming down her faces and it didn't look like it would be stopping anytime soon. He was about to demand her to show more concern when the sound of running footsteps interrupted them.


James and Remus came running up to him, panicked.

"Oh good, you're here. Mister Potter, please take your friend. He's fine," Madame Pomfrey waved her hand to dismiss Sirius.

"And Mister Black, you may not be poisoned, but it seems that you may have caught a bug," she smiled sweetly.

"A bug?" Remus asked. "Shouldn't you give him something?"

"No need to worry, Mister Lupin. I'm sure he'll be fine soon enough." She wiped a tear from the corner of her eye and made her way back into the office.

"Place has gone to the dogs," Sirius grumbled as he stormed out of the infirmary. He was embarrassed and he still felt off.

Remus watched Prongs run after Sirius again. The two were thick like brothers, no doubt he was truly concerned. He stuck behind for a few moments before knocking on Poppy's door again.

"Come in." Remus entered.

"By bug you meant.." he began.

"The love bug Mister Lupin. It happens to the best of us. I'm afraid there's no magical or muggle remedy. Do you know who he might have been talking about? He kept saying her," she gave him a kind smile.

The boy smiled and nodded. Of course he knew. They all knew. Apparently, except, the two that mattered the most.

He cleared his throat. "About the 25th - I er, if I could have some pain tonics," he asked her softly. The nurse nodded with a sad expression. The full moon was right after the Hogsmeade trip.


"What was that about?" Potter caught up to Sirius. He grunted a No in response.

"Sirius babe, there you are," a voice called out. They saw Dorcas strutting over. They could make out Astrid and Jones behind her arguing in hushed tones. Sirius felt himself getting warm again and his stomach felt uneasy. He needed to get away from her before she did something else to him.

The three girls came closer with Dorcas immediately fussing over him.

"Don't worry. I have a few ideas that will make you feel good right away," she cooed into his ear, making him grimace a little.

He heard a snort. He didn't even need to look and see who it was. He just knew. Turning his gaze Jones was looking at him

"Something to say Kelpie?" he challenged her

"Yeah. Got any boo-boos that need kissing," she laughed and elbowed Astrid who didn't find it funny.

With a satisfied smile, he replied, "'Course. But don't worry. Meadowes here has it covered. She'll take care of it real good." He started leading Dorcas away by hand a little roughly. "Maybe next time though."

"Oi Padfoot, we still have class!" Prongs called after him.

"Have Moony take notes would you? My boo-boos need fixing," he said and flashed them a grin. He didn't bother waiting for their reactions.

Eyeing the closest broom closet a few corridors away, he threw it open and charged in with Dorcas fawning over him. In the small space, she stood really close. He could feel her chest practically pressed up against his. She toyed with his tie, twirling it in his hands, and smacked her lips in anticipation.

"Don't," he snatched it away from her a little harshly, remembering how Jones' hands felt on his tie. Dorcas' face faltered.

What was wrong with him? Suddenly, he turned them around with her against the wall and he gave her a wolfish smile.

"Sorry 'bout that, love," he murmured. He closed his eyes and brought his lips down upon hers. She responded by wrapping hers around his neck and pulling him closer. She moved to suck on his neck as he fisted her hair in concentration. 

His eyes were tightly shut and his breathing got ragged. He could just imagine it..

"Blimey, Jones.." he moaned softly.

The kissing stopped and seconds later he felt the sharp sting of a slap on his face.

Maybe he really did need some fixing. 

Groaning in pain, he watched Dorcas running out of the closet.


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