Arcade Date PT. 1

942 13 7

art above isn't mine ^^^

(This story shifts from Kou's POV to Mitsuba's!)

Mitsuba's Perspective:

It's been months since we first came to the fake world Shijima had created, daikon-senpai and kou-kun STILL haven't noticed. They're so stupid. But all that matters is if I'm happy, and I am.

I think.

The other day, on Wednesday, me and Kou made plans to hang out during the weekend. Or as he calls it, "a date." That stupid traffic-cone-earring-pervert, always forcing me into things... I hate him.

It's officially Saturday, the day we're hanging out. I was disappointed when I opened my eyes that morning, sometimes I wish we were in the real world. I wasn't looking forward to this date, but I got up and ready anyways.

I jumped in fear as my phone exploded with notifications, Kou had been texting me all morning. I grabbed my phone and answered the call from "Traffic Cone Perv."

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I shouted in frustration, I'm just trying to get this dumb date done and over with!

"WHY WEREN'T YOU ANSWERING?! WE HAVE PLANS REMEMBER!" Kou shouted back, in which I rolled my eyes to. Of course I remembered, I just don't care. He really can't take any hints can he?

"I KNOW! JUST SHUT UP, YOUR STUPID VOICE IS MAKING MY HEAD HURT!" I said, pressing my hand against my head.

"Anyways, are you ready yet? We're going to the new arcade, it only took a week to build can you believe that?! And it's literally huge!" He talks a lot. Please, for the love of God, shut up. And of course it only took a week to build, this world is fake. I couldn't tell him that though.

"I'm almost done ok?! Are we meeting at the arcade or?~" I replied, admiring my beautiful natural nails.

"My house! I wanna show you the new comic I got, it has this character that also likes photography. He reminded me of you." It made me blush, but not because I thought it was cute. I was embarrassed.

"YOU CREEPY STALKER! YOU DUMB PERVERT!" I shouted in an angry/embarrassed tone.

"Jeez Mitsuba keep it down, you're hurting my ears!"

"YOUR EAR CAN FALL OFF FOR ALL I CARE!" And I immediately hung up.


Then I got ready and went to his house.

"Mitsuba!! Hey!!" He said running towards me, even though I was a block away from his house. I guess he couldn't wait. What a dork. But then the running went faster and faster, I froze in place in absolute fear. How the hell can someone be so fast.

"WAAAAH!!!" I turned around and booked it, running from this crazy man who's following me. We both shouted in fear, except it was different. I was shouting because of him, he was shouting because he thought someone was chasing us.

I tripped on a rock, landing face first on the pavement. Kou finally caught up with me, breathing heavily.

"Mitsuba!" He gasped, trying to help me up. I struggled though, and tried to get him to let go of me. As I turned my head, he shouted in fear.

"WOAH!" It made my jump myself, but what I didn't know was that my face looked monstrous from the fall. He immediately helped me up without hesitating, repeatedly asking me if I'm ok. What the hell?! Do I look okay to you?!

"DUMBASS!" I punched him across the face, making him slam into the pavement. He got up, rubbing his head. Now there's two monsters here.

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