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Two weeks had passed since the events of the Battle of Sokovia and the Avengers were doing their best to achieve some sort of normalcy. Tony, Steve, Natasha, Clint, Sam Wilson, Rhodey, Vision, and Wanda had moved back to the compound and were doing different activities to keep themselves busy. Tony, per usual, was upgrading his team's weapons in the lab as well as monitoring cleanups after the battle. Steve and Natasha had begun training Rhodey, Sam, and Vision as new recruits for the team. Clint popped in every once in a while but decided to be unofficially retired. Thor had gone back to space and Banner's whereabouts were unknown.

Wanda, however, was clearly the most beat up after the battle. No one could really blame her; she was manipulated into joining sides with their villain, her home was completely destroyed, and her brother was killed amidst the battle. Of course, this didn't even include the pain and suffering she dealt with at HYDRA or her parents dying front of her.

Everyone was starting to get concerned about her, however. She had locked herself in her room almost immediately after returning from Sokovia for the final time, which most people had anticipated. Tony made sure FRIDAY, his new AI, was monitoring her, but of course, let her have her privacy to mourn in peace. Meanwhile, the Avengers each took turns knocking on her door, hoping she might say something or even come out of her room, but when she didn't, let food on a plate outside the door.

"Hey, Nat," Clint greeted as Natasha walked into the kitchen. It was about 10am and shockingly, the kitchen was empty.

"Hey," Nat smiled and went to the coffee machine and poured herself a cup, noting the anxious look in his eyes. "What's up?"

"I'm worried about the kid," Clint sighed. "She hasn't left her room in weeks."
"Yeah," Nat nodded in agreement. "She barely answers when we go to bring her food, though."

"That's the problem," Clint rubbed the back of his neck. "I mean, it can't hurt to try pushing a bit farther, you think?"

Nat thought for a moment as she sipped her coffee. "I'll try. Can't promise anything, but I'll see what I can do."

"Thanks," Clint smiled as Nat prepared a small bowl of cereal and milk and headed to Wanda's room.

"Hey, Wanda," Nat warmly said after gently knocking, hoping she wasn't startled or had just woken up. "It's Natasha, can I come in?"

Nat waited for what felt like hours, but eventually, a quiet, timid voice called out. "Okay."

Relieved, Natasha opened the door and smiled as she walked over and handed Wanda the bowl of cereal. "May I sit down?"

Wanda nodded and took a bite of the cereal. Everyone knew she'd be completely and utterly devastated, but this is worse than she had imagined. Wanda's eyes were red and puffy, her cheeks stained with tears, probably from weeks ago, and dark under eyes. It was also obvious that she had barely taken care of herself, as she still had a faint smell of the smoke from the battle and her hair was in knots.

"How are you doing?" Nat gently asked. She knew it was a dumb question, but she was trying to make conversation.

"Been better," Wanda shrugged.

"Want to talk about it?" Nat continued.


Natasha nodded in recognition, as she wasn't really one to let her emotions show, force of habit. Of course, she knew she had to help this helpless kid somehow and even though it would hurt her, she did it anyway.

"You know, I kind of know what the whole mind control, torture thing is like," Nat said, cautiously in case Wanda reacted badly.

"Really?" Wanda looked at her with curious eyes.

"Yeah," Nat sighed. "I grew up in the Red Room in Russia, where they trained us to be assassins and that's how I am today."

"Did they starve you and beat you when you didn't listen?" Wanda wondered.

"Yep," Nat sadly nodded. "Sometimes, I had to kill people there too."

"I'm sorry," Wanda looked down. "I'm sorry I showed you that again."

"It's okay," Natasha rubbed her back. "Nobody blames you for that. We know you were and still are scared and just a kid. You shouldn't even have to deal with shit like this."

Wanda nodded in appreciation and continued to eat her cereal. The two sat in silence as she finished; not uncomfortable, it was a comforting quiet.

"How about you go take a shower and then we can go officially meet the team?" Nat suggested as Wanda finished her cereal and took the bowl from her hands.

Wanda nodded and got out of bed to freshen up. Meanwhile, Nat brought the bowl back into the kitchen and then returned to Wanda's room and scrolled through her phone while waiting. About 20 minutes later, Wanda returned to her room.

"Are you ready?" Nat asked, Wanda nodding in response.

Nat then led Wanda towards the common room, Wanda looking like a scared puppy. However, the common room was almost empty because Steve started a training session for everybody, minus Tony, who opted out.

"Hey, Tony," Nat greeted and sat down on a chair across from Tony.

"Hey, Red," Tony smiled, and then looked happy yet shocked when he saw Wanda. "Hi, Wanda."

"Stark," Wanda replied. It wasn't a cold tone but it wasn't warm either.

"Uh, Nat?" Tony turned to Natasha, not breaking eye contact with Wanda. "Steve asked me to send you to the training room."

"Oh, did he?" Nat raised an eyebrow, but then got up and left when she saw the look on Tony's face.

"Hey, Wanda," Tony tried again, a pleading look in his eyes. "I'm sorry."

"What?" Wanda looked at him in shock.

"I'm sorry," Tony repeated. "I'm sorry my stupid weapons blew up your home and I'm sorry my dumbass self created Ultron. It's my fault. On me. And I regret it all. You don't deserve it, to lose everyone."

"Thank you," Wanda smiled a bit. "I'm sorry about the vision."

"It's alright," Tony finally smiled.

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